Section 62-710.901 - FormsThe form is listed by rule number, which is also the form number, and with the subject, title and effective date. The forms can be obtained on the internet at or by contacting the Permitting and Compliance Assistance Program, MS 4500, Division of Waste Management, Department of Environmental Protection, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400.
(2) Used Oil and Used Oil Filter Record Keeping Form and Instructions, effective 4-23-13, which is adopted and incorporated by reference in subsection 62-710.510(1), F.A.C.(3) Annual Report by Used Oil and Used Oil Filter Handlers, effective 12-2019, which is adopted and incorporated by reference in subsection 62-710.510(5), F.A.C.(5) Public Used Oil Collection Center Notification and Annual Report, effective 4-23-13, which is adopted and incorporated by reference in subsection 62-710.500(5), F.A.C.(6) Used Oil Processing Facility Permit Application, effective 12-2019, which is adopted and incorporated by reference in subsection 62-710.800(3), F.A.C.(7) Used Oil Processing Facility Closing Cost Estimate Form, effective 12-2019, which is adopted and incorporated by reference in paragraph 62-710.800(6)(b), F.A.C.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-710.901
Rulemaking Authority 120.53(1), 403.061 FS. Law Implemented 403.754, 403.769 FS.
New 12-23-96, Amended 6-9-05, 1-4-09, 4-23-13, Amended by Florida Register Volume 44, Number 124, June 26, 2018 effective 6/18/2018, Amended by Florida Register Volume 45, Number 211, October 29, 2019 effective 11/13/2019.New 12-23-96, Amended 6-9-05, 1-4-09, 4-23-13, 6-18-18, 11-13-19.