Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-699.200

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-699.200 - Definitions

For the purposes of this chapter, the following words, phrases, or terms shall have the following meaning.

(1) "APPROVED COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT" means Broward, Hillsborough, Lee, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Polk, Sarasota, or Volusia County Health Department pursuant to Section 403.862(1)(c), F.S.
(2) "AUtomatic Control SYSTEM" means an on-site computerized system with sensors and programs that can adjust and control domestic wastewater or water treatment plant equipment and processes over the normal range of expected operating conditions without operator assistance.
(3) "BIOSOLIDS TREATMENT FACILITY" means a facility that treats biosolids from other facilities for the purpose of meeting the requirements of Chapter 62-640, F.A.C., before use or land application. Biosolids treatment facilities can also treat domestic septage and combinations of biosolids, domestic septage, food establishment sludges, wastes removed from portable toilets, and wastes removed from holding tanks associated with boats, marinas, and onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems, before use or land application.
(4) "CONSECUTIVE SYSTEM" means a public water system that receives some or all of its finished water from one or more wholesale systems. Delivery may be through a direct connection or through the distribution system of one or more consecutive systems.
(5) "DELEGATED LOCAL PROGRAM" means Broward County (collection systems only), Miami-Dade County, Hillsborough County, Palm Beach County, or Sarasota County pursuant to Section 403.182, F.S.
(6) "Department" means the Department of Environmental Protection, any of the approved county health departments, or any of the delegated local programs.
(7) "ELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEM" means a comprehensive automatic control system plus electronic surveillance system along with capability for manual adjustment and control of domestic wastewater or water treatment plant equipment and processes via a computerized system at a central or off-site location that is staffed by a Class C or higher treatment plant operator 24 hours per day and seven days per week.
(8) "Electronic Surveillance SYSTEM" means a system that monitors operation of a domestic wastewater or water treatment plant and transmits the results of such monitoring by electronic means to a central or off-site location. The use of a telephone for communication between the lead/chief operator and plant personnel is not considered electronic surveillance.
(9) "Lead OR Chief Operator" means the licensed operator who is in responsible charge of a domestic wastewater or water treatment plant or water distribution system and whose responsibilities include supervising all other persons who are employed to operate the plant or distribution system, performing on-site plant or distribution system operation, performing electronic control system operation, and making decisions that relate to the daily operational activities of the plant or distribution system and that directly impact the quality or quantity of effluent, reclaimed water, or drinking water.
(10) "ONSITE, " when referring to operating, staffing, visiting, or checking a domestic wastewater or water treatment plant, means at the location of the plant; and when referring to operating or staffing a water distribution system, means at the location of the distribution system pipe, pumps, or tanks where operation or maintenance activities that may affect water quality or quantity are taking place.
(11) "OPERATOR" means any person who is in on-site charge of the actual operation, supervision, and maintenance of a domestic wastewater or water treatment plant or water distribution system and includes the person in onsite charge of a shift or period of operation during any part of the day. Operator also means any person operating an electronic control system. Such persons shall be licensed in accordance with Chapter 62-602, F.A.C.
(12) "Permittee" means the person or entity to which a permit for a domestic wastewater facility is issued by the Department.
(13) "Visit" means an on-site examination of a domestic wastewater or water treatment plant to ensure that equipment is functioning properly, to ensure that chemical supplies are sufficient, and to record the quantity or quality of wastewater or drinking water being treated and other relevant information.
(14) "WATER MAIN" means the following:
(a) All piping, regardless of size, conveying finished water, as defined in Rule 62-550.200, F.A.C., from a water treatment plant to either a fire hydrant lead or a water service line; and,
(b) All fire hydrant leads that are under the control of a regulated public water system.
(15) "WATER SERVICE LINE" means the following:
(a) Piping conveying finished water, as defined in Rule 62-550.200, F.A.C., to a single or dual meter box that serves one or two buildings, one or two irrigation systems, or one building and one irrigation system, or
(b) Piping conveying finished water, as defined in Rule 62-550.200, F.A.C., to a single building, irrigation system, or fire protection system.
(16) "WHOLESALE SYSTEM" means a public water system that treats source water as necessary to produce finished water and then delivers some or all of that finished water to another public water system. Delivery may be through a direct connection or through the distribution system of one or more consecutive systems.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-699.200

Rulemaking Authority 403.869, 403.88(4) FS. Law Implemented 403.182, 403.852, 403.862, 403.866 FS.

New 10-15-07, Amended 3-6-13.

New 10-15-07, Amended 3-6-13.