Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-640.300

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-640.300 - General Requirements
(1) Facilities that receive or generate biosolids shall have a valid Department permit prior to treatment, land application, distribution and marketing, or disposal of biosolids. Treatment facility permits shall specify the use or disposal of the facility's biosolids. Biosolids shall be managed in accordance with the facility permit and the requirements of this chapter.
(2) Treatment Facility Permit for Facilities that Land Apply Biosolids.
(a) The permit for a facility that provides final treatment of land applied biosolids shall identify each permitted biosolids application site where the facility's biosolids are to be land applied.
(b) The Treatment Facility Biosolids Plan, Form 62-640.210(2)(a), incorporated in subsection 62-640.210(2), F.A.C., effective June 21, 2021, shall be submitted with the permit application to identify sites where the facility's biosolids are permitted to be land applied.
(c) To use an alternate permitted application site not identified on the submitted Treatment Facility Biosolids Plan, Form 62-640.210(2)(a), incorporated in subsection 62-640.210(2), F.A.C., effective June 21, 2021 the treatment facility shall notify the Department before beginning biosolids application at the application site and submit the applicable revised portions of the Treatment Facility Biosolids Plan, Form 62-640.210(2)(a), to the Department within 30 days. The revised portion of the Treatment Facility Biosolids Plan, Form 62-640.210(2)(a), shall become part of the treatment facility permit.
(3) Biosolids Land Application Site Permit.
(a) All biosolids application sites shall have a valid Department permit as a biosolids management facility. Alternatively, when an application site is used solely by a single facility, the applicant can choose to have the site permitted through the Department permit for the wastewater treatment facility, a biosolids treatment facility, or a septage management facility.
1. An individually permitted biosolids application site shall be permitted as a biosolids management facility in accordance with the applicable requirements of this chapter and Chapters 62-600 and 62-620, F.A.C. An individual biosolids application site permit shall cover only one site and shall not include multiple biosolids application sites.
2. The applicant of a wastewater treatment facility, biosolids treatment facility, or septage management facility permit can choose to include one or more biosolids land application sites used solely by the facility.
(b) A biosolids application site shall be permitted under one permit.
(c) Applicants for a permitted biosolids application site shall submit the Biosolids Site Permit Application, Form 62-640.210(2)(d), incorporated in subsection 62-640.210(2), F.A.C., effective June 21, 2021, the applicable fee, and supporting documentation to the appropriate District Office of the Department or delegated local program responsible for the geographic area in which the application site is located.
1. If permitted individually, the fee shall be the Type III biosolids management facility fee specified in sub-subparagraph 62-4.050(4)(b) 2.c., F.A.C.
2. If permitted in a wastewater treatment facility, biosolids treatment facility, or septage management facility permit, the Biosolids Site Permit Application, Form 62-640.210(2)(d), incorporated in subsection 62-640.210(2), F.A.C., effective June 21, 2021 shall be submitted with the facility's application for a new permit, permit renewal, or substantial modification to the permit. No additional fee will be charged beyond the fee required for the facility's application for a new permit, permit renewal, or substantial modification to the permit.
(d) All biosolids application site permit applications shall be considered projects of heightened public interest in accordance with subsection 62-110.106(6), F.A.C., and subparagraph 62-110.106(7)(a) 1., F.A.C.
(e) The following shall require a minor permit modification through the procedures provided in subsection 62-620.325(2), F.A.C.:
1. Expansions or changes to the physical boundaries of the application areas of a permitted application site that encompass areas not addressed in the site permit and NMP, or
2. Changes to the agricultural operations at the application site, such as a change in crops or management practices, that will result in increased nutrient loading or application rates not addressed in the NMP. A revised NMP shall be submitted with the minor permit revision application.
(f) New application sites shall be permitted prior to use.
(g) All permited biosolids land application sites shall be enrolled in the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) best management practices (BMP) program or be within an agricultural operation enrolled in the program for the applicable commodity type.
(4) Biosolids Storage.
(a) The treatment facility permittee shall submit a biosolids storage plan with the facility permit application. The plan shall demonstrate that storage capacity is available to provide retention of biosolids under adverse weather conditions, harvesting conditions, or other conditions which preclude land application or the use or disposal of the facility's biosolids. The demonstration of storage capacity provided by the permittee can take into account alternative options and operational flexibility, such as the use of excess digester capacity.
(b) Biosolids storage facilities at the treatment facility shall be designed in accordance with sound engineering practice. General technical guidance is provided in the EPA document Process Design Manual for Sludge Treatment and Disposal, paragraph 62-640.210(1)(d), F.A.C.; the Health Education Service document Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities, paragraph 62-640.210(1)(e), F.A.C., and the EPA document Guide to Field Storage of Biosolids, paragraph 62-640.210(1)(k), F.A.C.
(c) Biosolids storage at the land application site shall be in accordance with paragraph 62-640.700(6)(e), F.A.C.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-640.300

Rulemaking Authority 373.043, 403.051, 403.061, 403.062, 403.0855, 403.087, 403.088, 403.704, 403.707 FS. Law Implemented 373.4595, 403.021, 403.051, 403.061, 403.0855, 403.087, 403.088, 403.0881, 403.702, 403.704, 403.707, 403.708 FS.

New 8-12-90, Formerly 17-640.300, Amended 3-30-98, 8-29-10, Amended by Florida Register Volume 47, Number 125, June 29, 2021 effective 6/21/2021, per Ch. 2021-153, Laws of Florida.

New 8-12-90, Formerly 17-640.300, Amended 3-30-98, 8-29-10, 6-21-21.