Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-621.500

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-621.500 - Permits
(1) Generic Permit for Discharges from Fresh Citrus Fruit Packinghouses to Percolation Ponds.
(a) The document "Generic Permit for Discharges from Fresh Citrus Fruit Packinghouses to Percolation Ponds, " document number 62-621.500(1)(a), issued by the Department and dated 09-06-2012, is hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this chapter. This document may be obtained by contacting either the local Department District Office, by writing the Department of Environmental Protection, Industrial Wastewater Section, Mail Station #3545, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400, or from the Department's website or from http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-01549.
(b) Form number 62-621.500(1)(b), Notice of Intent to Use the Generic Permit for Discharges from Fresh Citrus Fruit Packinghouses to Percolation Ponds, effective 9-6-2012, is hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this chapter. This form may be obtained by contacting either the local Department District Office, by writing the Department of Environmental Protection, Industrial Wastewater Section, Mail Station #3545, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400, or from the Department's website or from http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-01550.
(c) Definitions.
1. "Existing fresh citrus fruit packinghouse" or "existing facility" means a packinghouse which was in operation, under construction or under expansion on or before (effective date of this revised rule).
2. "Expanded fresh citrus fruit packinghouse" means a facility that increases the quantity of discharge flow.
3. "New fresh citrus fruit packinghouse" or "new facility" means a fresh citrus fruit packinghouse that begins construction after (effective date of this revised rule).
(d) Applicability and Coverage.
1. This generic permit authorizes:
a. Construction and operation of new or expanded fresh citrus fruit packinghouses under Section 403.814, F.S., that use percolation ponds to dispose wash water to ground water; and,
b. Operation of existing fresh citrus fruit packinghouses under Section 403.814, F.S., that use percolation ponds to dispose wash water to ground water.
2. This generic permit does not authorize:
a. Construction and operation of storm water management facilities under Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S.,
b. Discharge of domestic wastewater,
c. Discharge of vehicle or mobile equipment wash water, or
d. Discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System or surface waters of the state.
3. Existing facilities with current individual industrial wastewater permits or coverage under the generic permit adopted May 10, 2005, may submit DEP Form 62-621.500(1)(b), F.A.C., with Parts I, II, III and VI completed to convert directly to coverage under this generic permit, provided that,
a. The facility has no unresolved consent orders or notices of violation related to wastewater activities; and,
b. The facility certifies in DEP Form 62-621.500(1)(b), F.A.C., that it does not propose to expand its discharge flow as defined in subparagraph 62-621.500(1)(c) 2., F.A.C.
4. Coverage under this generic permit is available provided all criteria specified in the permit are met.
5. Coverage under this generic permit shall be effective upon written notification by the Department.
6. Coverage under this generic permit is limited to a term not to exceed five years from the effective date of coverage.
7. Fresh Citrus Fruit Packinghouses that do not qualify for coverage or do not choose to be covered under this generic permit shall:
a. Apply for an individual wastewater permit in compliance with Chapter 62-620, F.A.C., or
b. Obtain an exemption from permitting pursuant to Rule 62-4.040, F.A.C.
8. This generic permit does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility for obtaining any other permits required by the Department or any federal, state, or local agency.
9. This generic permit does not apply to citrus juice plants.
10. This generic permit does not apply to fresh citrus fruit packinghouses that use sprayfield type land application wash water disposal systems, or other types of land application wash water disposal systems not otherwise complying with the requirements of this rule.
(e) Exemptions. Fresh Citrus Fruit Packinghouses generating less than 5, 000 gallons of wash water per day during the operating season are exempt from the requirement to obtain a Department industrial wastewater permit if all of the following requirements are met:
1. The facility can document the volume of wash water generated.
2. Wash water is not discharged to surface waters or to ground waters through wells or sinkholes that allow direct contact with Class G-I, F-1 or G-II ground waters as defined in Chapter 62-520, F.A.C.,
3. The disposal of the facility's wash water does not cause or contribute to a violation of surface water and/or ground water quality standards; and,
4. Best Management Practices (BMPs) are implemented to minimize overflows and runoff from the land application site, and ensure proper pond maintenance.
(f) Requests for Coverage. Request for coverage under this generic permit shall be submitted to the appropriate district office of the Department. New or expanded facilities shall submit requests for coverage at least 30 days prior to planned commencement of construction. Facilities seeking conversion from individual permits and facilities seeking continued coverage shall submit requests at least 30 days prior to expiration of current permit coverage. All requests for coverage shall include the following:
1. Completed Notice of Intent to Use the Generic Permit for Discharges From Fresh Citrus Fruit Packinghouses to Percolation Ponds, DEP Form 62-621.500(1)(b),
2. Applicable generic permit fee pursuant to Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C., and Section 403.087, F.S., as specified in Form 62-621.500(1)(b), Notice of Intent to Use the Generic Permit for Discharges from Fresh Citrus Fruit Packinghouses to Percolation Ponds.
(2) Generic Permits for Domestic Wastewater Facilities. These generic permits authorize operation of wastewater facilities under the provisions of Section 403.814, F.S., and applicable rules of the Florida Administrative Code and do not relieve the permittee of the responsibility for obtaining any other permits required by the Department or any federal, state, or local agency.
(a) Generic Permit for Domestic Wastewater Facilities that Discharge to Slow-Rate/Restricted Access Land Application Systems.
1. The document "Generic Permit for Domestic Wastewater Facilities that Discharge to Slow-Rate/Restricted Access Land Application Systems, " DEP Document 62-621.500(2)(a), issued by the Department and dated 2-7-06, is hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this chapter. This document may be obtained by contacting either the local Department District Office, contacting the delegated local program, or from the Department's website.
2. Only domestic wastewater treatment facilities with permitted capacities less than 100, 000 gallons per day and discharging solely through a Part II Slow-Rate/Restricted Access Land Application System meeting the requirements of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C., are eligible for this generic permit. Such facilities shall meet the storage requirements of Rule 62-610.414, F.A.C.
3. Only domestic wastewater treatment facilities that hold a valid domestic wastewater permit from the Department are eligible for this generic permit upon renewal.
4. New facilities and facilities applying for any substantial revision as defined in Rule 62-620.200, F.A.C., are not eligible for this generic permit.
5. Facilities that are subject to pretreatment program requirements under Chapter 62-625, F.A.C., are not eligible for this generic permit.
6. Facilities that have compliance problems are not eligible for this generic permit. For purposes of this rule, compliance problems means the facility is operating under a permit with an associated administrative order; the facility has an active consent order; the facility has enforcement actions pending against it by the Department; or the facility is not meeting the Capacity Analysis Report requirements in Rule 62-600.405, F.A.C.
7. Facilities that are required to provide high level disinfection as established in Rule 62-600.440, F.A.C., are not eligible for this generic permit.
8. Only facilities that transport biosolids, also known as domestic wastewater residuals, to a Biosolids Management Facility (BMF) or to another facility for treatment or disposal and/or landfill biosolids are eligible for this generic permit.
9. Facilities that accept biosolids or septage from another facility are not eligible for this generic permit.
(b) Generic Permit for Domestic Wastewater Facilities that Discharge to Rapid-Rate Infiltration Basin and Absorption Field Systems.
1. The document "Generic Permit for Domestic Wastewater Facilities that Discharge to Rapid-Rate Infiltration Basin and Absorption Field Systems, " DEP Document 62-621.500(2)(b), issued by the Department and dated 2-7-06, is hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this chapter. This document may be obtained by either contacting the local Department District Office, contacting the delegated local program, or from the Department's website.
2. Only existing domestic wastewater treatment facilities with permitted capacities less than 100, 000 gallons per day and discharging solely through a Part IV Rapid Rate Infiltration Basin or Absorption Field System meeting the requirements of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C., are eligible for this generic permit.
3. Grandfathered rapid-rate land application projects (projects originally permitted before April 5, 1989, which have not been subsequently modified or expanded after April 5, 1989) are eligible for this generic permit.
4. The following types of rapid rate land application projects which are permitted as new, modified, or expanded facilities after April 5, 1989 under Part IV of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C., are not eligible for this generic permit:
a. Projects permitted under Rule 62-610.525, F.A.C.,
b. Projects located over Class F-I, G-I, or G-II ground waters in aquifers used for public water supply, which are unconfined and have highly permeable soil types such that rapid movement of reclaimed water into the aquifer will occur,
c. Projects located over Class F-I, G-I, or G-II ground waters in aquifers used for public water supply, which are located in karst areas having solution features or fractures such that rapid movement of reclaimed water into the aquifer will occur,
d. Projects designed for continuous loading to a single rapid infiltration basin, percolation pond, cell, or absorption field. This also includes projects having multiple rapid infiltration basins, percolation ponds, cells, or portions of absorption fields, which are continuously loaded or are never allowed to dry or are unable to dry,
e. Projects having rapid infiltration basins, percolation ponds, cells, or absorption field application distribution systems which are excavated into the receiving ground water, or
f. Projects involving average annual loading rates greater than 9 inches per day.
5. The eligibility requirements of subparagraphs 62-621.500(2)(a) 3. through 9., F.A.C., are applicable to facilities using the Generic Permit for Domestic Wastewater Facilities that Discharge to Rapid-Rate Infiltration Basin and Absorption Field Systems.
(c) Requests for Use.
1. DEP Form 62-621.500(2)(c), Notice of Intent to Use Generic Permit for Domestic Wastewater Facilities Under paragraph 62-621.500(2)(a) or (b), F.A.C., effective 2-7-06, is hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this chapter. This form may be obtained by contacting either the local Department District Office, contacting the delegated local program, or from the Department's website.
2. Request for use of this generic permit shall be submitted to the appropriate office of the Department or delegated local program. Requests shall include the completed Notice of Intent to Use Generic Permit for Domestic Wastewater Facilities, DEP Form 62-621.500(2)(c); and the applicable generic permit fee pursuant to Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C.
3. Use of the generic permits under subsection 62-621.500(2), F.A.C., shall be effective upon receipt of written notification by the Department.
4. Use of the generic permit under subsection 62-621.500(2), F.A.C., is limited to a term not to exceed five years from the effective date.
5. The permittee may request continued coverage under this generic permit in accordance with the requirements contained in paragraph 62-621.500(2)(c), F.A.C., above. Request for continued coverage under this generic permit shall be made at least 180 days before expiration of current coverage.
6. Request for transfer of ownership under this generic permit shall be submitted to the appropriate office of the Department or delegated local program using DEP Form 62-620.910(11) and the appropriate processing fee pursuant to Chapter 62-4.050, F.A.C.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-621.500

Rulemaking Authority 403.061, 403.087, 403.088, 403.814 FS. Law Implemented 403.061, 403.087, 403.0877, 403.088, 403.814 FS.

New 5-10-05, Amended 2-7-06, 9-6-12.

New 5-10-05, Amended 2-7-06, 9-6-12.