Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-610.310

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-610.310 - Engineering Report
(1) In accordance with the requirements and provisions of Chapters 62-600 and 62-620, F.A.C., an engineering report shall be submitted in support of permit applications for new or expanded reuse or land application projects. The engineering report will serve as the preliminary design report for reuse and land application projects. The requirement for an engineering report for modifications of existing systems and for those existing facilities which have had past violations of permit conditions or water quality standards shall be a case-by-case determination by the Department based on the frequency and severity of past violations, the potential for adverse effects on reclaimed water quality and on surface and ground water quality, and the scope of proposed modifications.
(2) Abbreviated Report.
(a) The Department shall accept an abbreviated engineering report if any of the following conditions exist:
1. The project involves only expansion of existing sites.
2. The treatment facilities and the reuse or disposal facilities are all Type III facilities.
3. The reuse system involves only slow-rate land application systems in public access areas.
4. The project involves slow-rate land application and meets both of the following conditions:
a. The average annual hydraulic loading rate shall not exceed 0.5 inches per week; and,
b. No percolation to ground water is used in the water balance calculations included in the abbreviated engineering report.
(b) Information contained in the application together with the best available information referenced in paragraphs and subparagraphs 62-610.310(3)(a), 62-610.310(3)(b) 3., 62-610.310(3)(c) 6., 62-610.310(3)(d), 62-610.310(3)(e), 62-610.310(3)(f), and 62-610.310(3)(g), F.A.C., shall suffice for the abbreviated engineering report. For rapid-rate projects, the engineering report or abbreviated engineering report shall include the ground water mounding analysis required by subparagraph 62-610.310(3)(c) 8., F.A.C.
(3) The engineering report shall include the following:
(a) Land Use Requirements.
1. The exact boundaries of the reuse or land application project, with setback distances shown, shall be located on the most recent USGS topographic maps (7.5 minutes series, where available). These maps, or similar scale maps, shall show present land uses and anticipated land uses for the next 10 years within one mile of the site boundaries, based on approved Local Government Comprehensive Land Use Plans where available. The Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System (paragraph 62-610.300(1)(d), F.A.C.), shall be utilized in designating the character of the surrounding area.
2. All potable and nonpotable water supply wells and monitoring wells within a 0.5 mile radius of the land application site shall be located on the maps and identified as to use (e.g., potable) and ownership (e.g., private).
3. If expansion of the proposed facility is anticipated, the area likely to be used in the expansion shall be shown on the maps. The information required by subparagraphs 62-610.310(3)(a) 1. and 62-610.310(3)(a) 2., F.A.C., shall be provided for the proposed expansions.
4. Surface waters classified pursuant to Chapter 62-302, F.A.C., within one mile of the project area, shall be located on the maps and shall be described, with respect to their classification, uses, and approximate distance from the site.
(b) Soils Information.
1. A soils map of the reuse or land application site shall be provided. The soils shall be named and described in accordance with the standard criteria (e.g. soil surveys) of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) unless advised by the soil scientist of the SCS that soils present are not appropriate for such characterization.
2. Physical characteristics of each significant soil, subsoil, or substratum layer to a depth of 10 feet below the average water table, or to a 20-foot depth (as measured below the lowest point on the site) if no water table is encountered, shall be provided. Representative soil profiles of the site shall be provided and characteristics such as texture, hydraulic conductivity, available water capacity, organic matter content, pH, sodium adsorption ratio, and cation exchange capacity should also be investigated; appropriate chemical characteristics shall be determined for soil profile horizons active in the chemical and biological renovation of reclaimed water or effluent. Specific sites used for determining hydraulic conductivity shall be shown on the soils map, and data shall be submitted to substantiate that the proposed site is hydrologically capable of accommodating the design loading and application rate.
3. For projects described in subsection 62-610.310(2), F.A.C., the Department shall accept an abbreviated report from the permittee addressing the soil characteristics at the proposed site, based upon the best available information in lieu of the more detailed soils information requirements described in paragraph 62-610.310(3)(b), F.A.C.
(c) Hydrogeologic Survey.
1. Hydrogeologic data necessary to evaluate the capability of the proposed project to perform successfully at the site on a long-term basis shall be provided. A proposed ground water monitoring plan, if applicable, meeting the requirements of Chapters 62-520 and 62-600, F.A.C., shall be provided. This information shall include, but not be limited to, geophysical information concerning known "solution openings" and sinkhole features within one mile of the site; the identification (with applicable geologic sections), extent or continuity, and hydrologic characterization of aquifers and confining zones underlying the site (i.e., horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities, porosity, thickness); head relationships between aquifer systems; and information on the annual range of ground water elevations at the proposed site.
2. The direction and rate of existing ground water movement (and the points of discharge) shall be shown on maps of the area. Similar information regarding conditions anticipated as a result of the project shall be provided.
3. Information on potable and nonpotable water supply wells (and monitoring wells, as appropriate) identified in subparagraph 62-610.310(3)(a) 2., F.A.C., including the depth, length of casing, cone of depression and geophysical surveys of the wells (if available) shall be provided.
4. The proposed ground water monitoring system shall also be described and displayed. Background water quality data shall be provided.
5. Flood prone areas on the proposed site and within 0.5 mile of the site shall be located on a map. Discussion of flooding frequencies and magnitude shall be included.
6. For projects described in subsection 62-610.310(2), F.A.C., the Department shall accept an abbreviated report from the permittee covering the hydrogeologic characteristics at the proposed site, based upon the best available information, in lieu of the more detailed hydrogeologic information requirements described in paragraph 62-610.310(3)(c), F.A.C.
7. For overland flow projects involving alternative secondary preapplication treatment levels, determinations of the required number of core samples, representative hydraulic conductivity values, and aquitard extent or continuity shall be included in the engineering report.
8. For rapid-rate and absorption field projects, a ground water mounding analysis based on site-specific information shall be included. This analysis shall demonstrate acceptable long-term hydraulic performance of the system.
9. For aquifer storage and recovery projects regulated under Rule 62-610.466, F.A.C., and ground water recharge projects involving injection to G-II ground water, the engineering report shall characterize the total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration in ground water contained in the aquifer at the point of injection. See subsection 62-610.800(11), F.A.C. For aquifer storage and recovery projects, this shall include characterization of TDS concentrations within the proposed extended zone of discharge, as described in subsection 62-610.466(14), F.A.C. For injection projects having a zone of discharge, as described in subsection 62-610.560(3) and Rule 62-610.562, F.A.C., the engineering report shall include characterization of TDS concentrations at the point of injection and within the zone of discharge. The methods used to make the TDS characterization shall be described.
(d) Land Management System.
1. The present and intended soil-vegetation management program shall be discussed and the vegetative covers identified. Reclaimed water or effluents to be applied shall be characterized in terms of their physical, chemical, and biological properties. Data and other documentation to verify the uptake of nutrients (such as nitrogen and phosphorus), moisture and salt tolerances, pollutant toxicity levels, yield of crops and similar information shall be provided. For projects permitted under Parts II, III, IV, V, and VI of this chapter detailed water and nutrient budgets (balances) for the projects shall be included in the engineering report.
2. The harvesting frequencies and the ultimate use of the crops shall be indicated. Lengths of operating seasons, application periods and rates, and resting or drying periods shall also be described.
3. The best available information (and technical assistance) from organizations or individuals qualified in agricultural/agronomic aspects of reuse and land application shall be used in the preparation of the above report information.
4. Plans for storage, reuse, or disposal of reclaimed water or effluents during crop removal, wet weather, control of pests, equipment failures, or other problems precluding land application shall be described.
5. For overland flow projects involving alternative secondary preapplication treatment levels, operational control aspects of the land management system discussed in Part VI of this chapter also shall be documented.
(e) Project Evaluation.
1. An evaluation of the overall long-term effect of the proposed project on environmental resources in the area shall be provided. The evaluation shall include aspects such as changes in water table elevations due to natural fluctuations and the reuse or land application project (including ground water mounding that may occur under the site), prediction of the rate and direction of movement of applied reclaimed water or effluent, changes in water quality in the area associated with the project, and similar information.
2. For projects that will have a limited wet weather discharge, the data required by Rule 62-610.860, F.A.C., shall be included.
3. Justification and documentation for using setback distances, selection of hydraulic loading rates, loading and resting cycles, determining that the reclaimed water or effluents will not violate the standards set by Chapters 62-600 and 62-610, F.A.C., and use of any design criteria for which flexibility is provided in this rule also shall be provided.
4. For projects regulated by Parts III or V of this chapter or by Rule 62-610.525, F.A.C., an evaluation of the pretreatment program required by Rule 62-610.330, F.A.C., shall be provided.
5. An evaluation of the proposed project with respect to public health, safety, and welfare shall be provided.
6. Forecasts of flows and reclaimed water characteristics for the current and design year, including:
a. Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics and concentrations.
b. Reclaimed water flow patterns - monthly average, daily average, daily maximum, and seasonal peak one-hour flow during current and design years.
7. Site plan showing operations and unit processes.
8. Technical information and design criteria for reuse/land application system:
a. Hydraulic, organic, and nutrient loadings - minimum, average, and maximum quantities.
b. Flow metering (at the wastewater treatment facility).
c. Monitoring points.
d. Concentrations of reclaimed water or effluent percolated to ground water or being discharged to surface waters, with supporting data including design calculations.
9. Operation and control strategies.
10. For projects regulated by Part III of this chapter a description of public notification activities required by subsections 62-610.468(2) and (6), F.A.C., shall be provided.
(f) The requirements of each section within the appropriate part of this chapter shall be addressed in the engineering report or abbreviated engineering report. (For example, a project to be permitted as a rapid-rate land application system shall have the requirements of all sections in Part IV of this chapter addressed in the engineering report.)
(g) The engineering report or abbreviated engineering report shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in Florida.
(h) Engineering report requirements specific to projects permitted under Parts V and VII of this chapter are contained in subsections 62-610.310(4) and (5), F.A.C., respectively.
(i) Engineering report requirements specific to aquifer storage and recovery projects are contained in Rule 62-610.466, F.A.C. Requirements for notification of public water supply authorities are described in subsection 62-610.466(16), F.A.C.
(j) Engineering report requirements specific to blending of concentrate with reclaimed water are contained in Rule 62-610.865, F.A.C.
(4) The engineering report for projects involving ground water recharge and indirect potable reuse regulated under Part V of this chapter shall address the following:
(a) The full engineering report requirements of Rule 62-610.310, F.A.C., shall apply.
(b) In addition, the engineering report shall address the following:
1. The nature of the use of reclaimed water shall be described.
2. For surface water discharges, all potable water intakes shall be identified and located. The withdrawal rates shall be noted. Time of travel from the discharge to the arrival at the potable water intakes shall be presented.
3. For direct or indirect ground water discharges, the time of travel to the nearest public water supply well (based on shortest travel time) shall be presented.
4. The minimum treatment and disinfection requirements imposed by Part V of this chapter for the proposed uses shall be presented.
5. A ground water mounding analysis for discharges to ground water shall be presented.
6. Assessment of effects on ground water levels, surface water levels, ground water quality, surface water quality, and uses of property in the area shall be presented.
7. Documentation of written notice to public water supply utilities and the appropriate county health department, if required by subsection 62-610.574(4), F.A.C.
8. Documentation of public education and public participation activities, as required by subsection 62-610.574(3), F.A.C.
(5) The engineering report for projects involving industrial uses of reclaimed water permitted under Part VII of this chapter shall address the following:
(a) Industries which use reclaimed water shall be identified and located on a map.
(b) The nature of the use of reclaimed water shall be described.
(c) The minimum treatment and disinfection requirements imposed by Part VII of this chapter for the industrial uses shall be presented.
(d) Any additional treatment and disinfection requirements beyond the minimum requirements imposed by Part VII which have been agreed to by the domestic wastewater permittee and the industry shall be described.
(e) The location of treatment and disinfection facilities shall be described and shown on a map.
(f) The disposition of any industrial wastewaters originating from the use of reclaimed water shall be described in detail. This shall include discussion of the applicability of the Department's industrial wastewater rules.
(g) Each requirement in each section of Part VII in this chapter shall be discussed.
(h) Unless noted otherwise in this rule, the full requirements of Rule 62-610.310, F.A.C., shall not be applied. The best available information shall be presented to meet the requirements of paragraphs 62-610.310(3)(a), 62-610.310(3)(e) and 62-610.310(3)(g), F.A.C.
(i) If the uses of reclaimed water will involve irrigation on the industrial site or if a ground water discharge will result, the best available information shall be presented to meet the requirements of paragraphs 62-610.310(3)(b), 62-610.310(3)(c) and 62-610.310(3)(d), F.A.C.
(j) If the industrial uses will be accomplished as part of a reclaimed water system permitted under Part III of this chapter an abbreviated engineering report meeting the requirements of Rule 62-610.310, F.A.C., shall be prepared for the overall Part III project.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-610.310

Rulemaking Authority 403.051, 403.061, 403.087 FS. Law Implemented 403.021, 403.051, 403.061, 403.062, 403.085, 403.086, 403.087, 403.0877, 403.088 FS.

New 4-4-89, Amended 4-2-90, Formerly 17-610.310, Amended 1-9-96, 8-8-99, Amended by Florida Register Volume 47, Number 051, March 16, 2021 effective 4/1/2021.

New 4-4-89, Amended 4-2-90, Formerly 17-610.310, Amended 1-9-96, 8-8-99, 4-1-21.