Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-342.470 - Establishment of Mitigation Credits(1) Based upon the information submitted by the applicant, and an assessment of the proposed Mitigation Bank under the criteria of Section 373.4136, F.S., the Agency will assign a number of Mitigation Credits to the proposed Mitigation Bank, or phases thereof.(2) Mitigation Credits assigned for enhancement, restoration or preservation of wetlands or uplands will be based on the extent of improvement in ecological value resulting from these activities as determined using a functional assessment method relative to that obtained by successfully creating one acre of wetland. In determining the degree of improvement in ecological value, the following factors will be considered. However, no credits shall be released until the requirements of Rules 62-342.650 and 62-342.700, F.A.C., are met. (a) The extent to which target hydrologic regimes can be achieved and maintained.(b) The extent to which management activities promote natural ecological conditions, such as natural fire patterns.(c) The proximity of the Mitigation Bank to areas with regionally significant ecological resources or habitats, such as national or state parks, Outstanding National Resource Waters and associated watersheds, Outstanding Florida Waters and associated watersheds, and lands acquired or to be acquired through governmental or non-profit land acquisition programs for environmental conservation; and the extent to which the Mitigation Bank establishes corridors for fish, wildlife or listed species to those resources or habitats.(d) The quality and quantity of wetland or upland restoration, enhancement, preservation, or creation.(e) The ecological and hydrological relationship between wetlands and uplands in the Mitigation Bank.(f) The extent to which the Mitigation Bank provides habitat for fish and wildlife, especially habitat for species listed as threatened, endangered or of special concern, or provides habitats which are unique for that mitigation service area.(g) The extent to which the lands that are to be preserved are already protected by existing state, local or federal regulations or land use restrictions.(h) The extent that lands to be preserved would be adversely affected if they were not preserved.(i) Any special designation or classification of the affected waters and lands.(3) Some Mitigation Credits may be released for use prior to meeting all of the performance criteria specified in the Mitigation Bank Permit. The release of all mitigation credits awarded will only occur after the bank meets all of the success criteria specified in the permit. The number of credits and schedule for release shall be determined based upon the performance criteria for the Mitigation Bank, the success criteria for each mitigation activity, and a consideration of the factors listed in Section 373.4136(5), F.S. However, no credits shall be released until the requirements of Rules 62-342.650 and 62.342.700, F.A.C., are met. Additionally, no credits awarded for freshwater creation shall be released until the success criteria included in the Mitigation Bank Permit are met.(4) If at any time the banker is not in material compliance with the terms of the Mitigation Bank Permit, no Mitigation Credits may be withdrawn. Mitigation Credits shall again be available for withdrawal if the banker comes back into compliance.(5) The Mitigation Bank Permit shall contain a ledger listing the number and type of Mitigation Credits in the Mitigation Bank. The ledger will provide the maximum number and type of Mitigation Credits which would be available for withdrawal when the Mitigation Bank meets all of the performance criteria in the permit.(6) Mitigation Credits that have been released may be used to offset adverse impacts from an activity regulated under Part IV, Chapter 373, F.S. Mitigation credits may be used in whole or in part. However, Mitigation Credits in increments of less than a hundredth of one credit shall not be used.(7) The Agency shall maintain a ledger of the Mitigation Credits available in each Mitigation Bank. Mitigation Credits shall be withdrawn as a minor modification of the Mitigation Bank Permit. To use Mitigation Credits, the impact permit applicant must submit to the agency permitting the impact, documentation from the banker demonstrating that Mitigation Credits have been reserved, sold or transferred to the permit applicant, and that the banker has requested that the Mitigation Credits be withdrawn from the Mitigation Bank. If the agency permitting the impact determines that use of the Mitigation Credits proposed by the applicant is appropriate to offset the adverse impacts, it shall notify the Agency. Upon receipt of this notice, the Agency shall determine if a sufficient number and type of Mitigation Credits are available, withdraw the Mitigation Credits as a minor modification of the Mitigation Bank Permit, and notify the agency permitting the impact and the banker by letter of the withdrawal of the Mitigation Credits and the remaining balance of Mitigation Credits.(8) When the Department or a District is the banker, each Agency shall maintain its own ledger. The District or Department shall annually submit a report of the Mitigation Credits sold, transferred, or used from its Mitigation Bank to the permitting Agency.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-342.470
Rulemaking Authority 373.4131, 373.4136(11) FS. Law Implemented 373.4131, 373.4135, 373.4136 FS.
New 2-2-94, Formerly 17-342.470, Amended 5-21-01, Amended by Florida Register Volume 41, Number 022, February 3, effective 2/19/2015.New 2-2-94, Formerly 17-342.470, Amended 5-21-01, 2-19-15.