Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-304.605

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 62-304.605 - Alafia River TMDLs
(1) Thirty Mile Creek. The TMDL for Thirty Mile Creek (TML) is a monthly average TN concentration of 3.0 mg/L, and is allocated as follows:
(a) The WLA for discharges subject to the Department's NPDES Permitting Program is a monthly average TN concentration of 3.0 mg/L; and
(b) The LA for nonpoint sources is an annual average TN concentration of 1.6 mg/L.
(2) Alafia River above Hillsborough Bay. The TMDL to address the low DO and nutrient impairments for the Alafia River Above Hillsborough Bay is an annual average TN concentration of 0.65 mg/L and is allocated as follows:
(a) The WLA for the Mosaic Fertilizer Riverview Chemical Complex is 5140 lb/year of TN;
(b) The WLA for discharges subject to the Department's NPDES MS4 Permitting Program is to address anthropogenic sources in the basin such that in-stream concentrations meet the Class III marine DO and nutrient criteria which, based on the measured concentrations from the 2000 to 2006 period, will require a 54% reduction of TN at sources contributing to exceedances of the criteria; and
(c) The LA for nonpoint sources is to address anthropogenic sources in the basin such that in-stream concentrations meet the Class III marine DO and nutrient criteria which, based on the measured concentrations from the 2000 to 2006 period, will require a 54% reduction of TN at sources contributing to exceedances of the criteria.
(3) English Creek. The bacteriological TMDL for English Creek is 400 counts/100mL for fecal coliform, and is allocated as follows:
(a) The WLA for wastewater sources is not applicable;
(b) The WLA for discharges subject to the Department's NPDES MS4 Permitting Program is to address anthropogenic sources in the basin such that in-stream concentrations meet the fecal coliform criteria which, based on the measured concentrations from the 2001 to 2008 period, will require a 40% reduction of sources contributing to exceedances of the criteria; and
(c) The LA for nonpoint sources is to address anthropogenic sources in the basin such that in-stream concentrations meet the fecal coliform criteria which, based on the measured concentrations from the 2001 to 2008 period, will require a 40% reduction of sources contributing to exceedances of the criteria.
(4) Mustang Ranch Creek. The TMDLs to address the low DO and nutrient impairments are an annual average TN concentration of 1.73 mg/L and an annual average TP concentration of 0.415 mg/L and are allocated as follows:
(a) The WLA for wastewater sources is not applicable;
(b) The WLA for discharges subject to the Department's NPDES MS4 Permitting Program is to address anthropogenic sources in the basin such that in-stream concentrations meet the Class III freshwater DO criteria which, based on the measured concentrations for the 2005 to 2007 period, will require a 50% reduction of TN and 45% reduction of TP at sources contributing to exceedances of the criteria; and
(c) The LA for nonpoint sources is to address anthropogenic sources in the basin such that in-stream concentrations meet the Class III freshwater DO criteria which, based on the measured concentrations from the 2005 to 2007 period, will require a 50% reduction of TN and 45% reduction of TP at sources contributing to exceedances of the criteria.
(5) Mustang Ranch Creek. The bacteriological TMDL for Mustang Ranch Creek is 400 counts/100mL for fecal coliform, and is allocated as follows:
(a) The WLA for wastewater sources is not applicable;
(b) The WLA for discharges subject to the Department's NPDES MS4 Permitting Program is to address anthropogenic sources in the basin such that in-stream concentrations meet the fecal coliform criteria which, based on the measured concentrations from the 2001 to 2008 period, will require an 88% reduction of sources contributing to exceedances of the criteria; and
(c) The LA for nonpoint sources is to address anthropogenic sources in the basin such that in-stream concentrations meet the fecal coliform criteria which, based on the measured concentrations from the 2001 to 2008 period, will require an 88% reduction of sources contributing to exceedances of the criteria.
(6) Poley Creek. The bacteriological TMDL for Poley Creek is 400 counts/100mL for fecal coliform, and is allocated as follows:
(a) The WLA for wastewater sources is not applicable;
(b) The WLA for discharges subject to the Department's NPDES MS4 Permitting Program is to address anthropogenic sources in the basin such that in-stream concentrations meet the fecal coliform criteria which, based on the measured concentrations from the 2001 to 2008 period, will require a 67% reduction of sources contributing to exceedances of the criteria; and
(c) The LA for nonpoint sources is to address anthropogenic sources in the basin such that in-stream concentrations meet the fecal coliform criteria which, based on the measured concentrations from the 2001 to 2008 period, will require a 67% reduction of sources contributing to exceedances of the criteria.
(7) Turkey Creek. The bacteriological TMDL for Turkey Creek is 400 counts/100mL for fecal coliform, and is allocated as follows:
(a) The WLA for the Hillsborough County Valrico Advance Wastewater Treatment Facility (AWWTF FL0040983) must meet its NPDES permit conditions;
(b) The WLA for discharges subject to the Department's NPDES MS4 Permitting Program is to address anthropogenic sources in the basin such that in-stream concentrations meet the fecal coliform criteria which, based on the measured concentrations from the 2001 to 2008 period, will require a 64% reduction of sources contributing to exceedances of the criteria; and
(c) The LA for nonpoint sources is to address anthropogenic sources in the basin such that in-stream concentrations meet the fecal coliform criteria which, based on the measured concentrations from the 2001 to 2008 period, will require a 64% reduction of sources contributing to exceedances of the criteria.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-304.605

Rulemaking Authority 403.061, 403.067 FS. Law Implemented 403.061, 403.062, 403.067 FS.

New 6-22-05, Amended 11-2-09, Amended by Florida Register Volume 47, Number 081, April 27, 2021 effective 5/9/2021.

New 6-22-05, Amended 11-2-09, 5-9-21.