Section 62-303.353 - Nutrients in Estuaries and Open Coastal WatersEstuaries, estuary segments, or open coastal waters shall be included on the Planning List for nutrients if:
(1) The numeric interpretation of the narrative nutrient criterion established in subsection 62-302.531(2) or 62-302.532(2), F.A.C., is exceeded for any parameter, or(2) For estuaries without a numeric interpretation of the narrative nutrient criterion, their annual geometric mean chlorophyll a for any year is greater than 11 ug/l;(3) Algal mats or blooms are present in sufficient quantities to pose a nuisance or hinder reproduction of a threatened or endangered species, or(4) There is a statistically significant increasing trend in the annual geometric means at the 95 percent confidence level in TN, TP, or chlorophyll a over the planning period using a Mann's one-sided, upper-tail test for trend as described in Nonparametric Statistical Methods by M. Hollander and D. Wolfe (1999 ed.), pages 376 and 724, which were incorporated by reference in subsection 62-303.351(5), F.A.C., or(5) For estuaries with nutrient criteria expressed as not to be exceeded in more than 10 percent of the samples, the nutrient data exceed the listing thresholds in subsection 62-303.320(1), F.A.C.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-303.353
Rulemaking Authority 403.061, 403.067 FS. Law Implemented 403.062, 403.067 FS.
New 6-10-02, Amended 12-11-06, 7-2-12, 8-1-13, Amended by Florida Register Volume 42, Number 021, February 02, 2016 effective 2/17/2016.New 6-10-02, Amended 12-11-06, 7-2-12, 8-1-13, 2-17-16.