Section 62-213.413 - [Effective until 1/28/2025] Fast-Track Revisions of Acid Rain PartsThose Acid Rain Sources making a change described at subsection 62-214.370(4), F.A.C., may request such change as provided herein:
(1) The designated representative of the Acid Rain Source shall make application for permit revision to the Department using DEP Form No. 62-210.900(1)(a);(2) Within five (5) business days after submittal of the application to the Department, the designated representative shall provide a copy of the application to EPA, any affected state, any approved local air program having geographical jurisdiction and any person who has requested a copy;(3) Within five (5) business days after serving the copy of the application upon EPA, the designated representative shall publish notice of the application in accordance with the provisions of subsection 62-103.150(1), F.A.C. The notice shall require that comments be submitted in writing within 30 days of publication and shall identify the designated representative and the Department as parties to receive comment. The notice shall also contain the following statement: "The Department shall take action on the application for permit revision within 40 days after publication of this notice. Any person desiring actual notice of the proposed agency action may request such notice pursuant to Section 120.60, F.S.";
(4) The Department shall issue a draft permit revision or an intent to deny within forty (40) days after publication of the notice described at subsection 62-213.413(3), F.A.C. If the Department has received a request for actual notice of the agency action, the Department shall issue a proposed permit revision or denial only after the Department has provided all persons making such request with actual notice containing the information described in subsections 62-103.155(1)-(3), F.A.C., and has provided opportunity for petition for administrative hearing;(5) If the Department has received no petition for administrative hearing, the Department shall issue a proposed permit revision within 60 days after the publication of the notice described at subsection 62-213.413(3), F.A.C. The Department shall take final action to issue or deny the proposed permit revision immediately after complying with subsection 62-213.430(1), F.A.C.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-213.413
Rulemaking Authority 403.061, 403.087, 403.0872 FS. Law Implemented 403.031, 403.087, 403.0872, 403.0873 FS.
New 1-3-95, Amended 7-6-95, 6-2-02.New 1-3-95, Amended 7-6-95, 6-2-02.