Section 62-17.051 - Application for Site Certification(1)(a) Applications for certification shall be supported by applicable information and technical studies.(b) The applicant may substitute the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission's or its successor's format for an application for a nuclear power plant as outlined in 10 CFR, Part 50 and 10 CFR, Part 51, January 1, 2007, in lieu of the department's format for a new application or a supplemental application.(2)(a) A separate application shall be made for each expansion in steam or solar electrical generating capacity of an electrical power plant, or new electrical power plant site.(b) Any supplemental application for certification shall follow the format allowed under paragraph (1)(a) above, or the format allowed under paragraph (1)(b) above. The applicant for supplemental certification should meet with the department to determine what previously filed information is still sufficient for agency use, and what new data must be filed. Supplemental applications shall show that the additional unit or units conform to the current non-procedural standards of affected agencies in force at the time the supplemental application is submitted, and demonstrate the extent to which the expansion falls within the environmental impacts addressed in the initial certification proceedings.(c) An application for a power plant site which was permitted prior to the passage of the Act shall include the information required in Section 403.5175, F.S., utilizing the applicable portions of the application form cited under subsection (1) above.(3) Applications shall also include the following: (a) Information supporting any request for a variance, exception, exemption or other relief from the non-procedural standards or rules of the department or from the standards or rules of any other agency, including the reasons justifying such relief, and the condition which the applicant seeks to have included in the certification on this issue.(b) Information describing the works or properties of any agency that the applicant seeks to use, connect to, or cross over, and the intended use.(c) As required by Section 403.50665(1), F.S., a statement on the consistency of the site including associated facilities with existing land use plans and zoning ordinances in effect on the date the application was filed. Such a statement shall be supported in an appendix by copies of the applicable portions of ordinances, regulations, or land use plans involved.(d) For sites which may have units or facilities that, due to their size, age, or other factors, were not constructed under the provisions of the Power Plant Siting Act, detailed site plans shall be submitted which delineate those specific parts of the plant and site that are to be evaluated for compliance purposes under certification and those specific parts that will continue under the original permits.(4)(a) The application will not be deemed filed unless accompanied by the appropriate application fee as described in Rule 62-17.293, F.A.C., and the application has been distributed to all agencies identified in Section 403.507(2)(a), F.S.(b) The applicant shall consult with the department to determine the number of copies of the certification application or supplemental application and any supplements or precertification amendments thereto to be submitted to the department for its own use. The applicant shall submit the number of hard copies and electronic copies the department determines it needs. The department's determination of how many copies it needs shall be based upon the number of district offices, divisions, or programs required to review the application, plus one for the department to provide to the Division of Administrative Hearings. The applicant shall send copies directly to the applicable district office, division, or program personnel at the addresses provided by the department. A copy of the transmittal letter shall be provided to the Siting Coordination Office.(c) The applicant shall consult with each agency identified in Sections 403.507(2)(a) and 403.5064(2), F.S., to determine the number of printed and electronic copies needed for that agency to conduct its review. A copy of the transmittal letter shall be provided to the Siting Coordination Office.(d) The applicant shall also submit at least one copy of any supplements or precertification amendments thereto to all agencies and parties which have received a copy of the application.(e) The applicant shall submit one copy of the application and any supplements thereto to the main public library for the county of the site, and for each county in which any associated facility will be located.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-17.051
Rulemaking Authority 403.504 (1), (2), 403.517(1)(a), 403.5175(1) FS. Law Implemented 403.504, 403.5064, 403.517, 403.5175 FS.
New 5-7-74, Amended 12-27-77, Formerly 17-17.04, Amended 5-9-83, 4-14-86, 1-22-91, 1-26-93, Formerly 17-17.051, Amended 2-1-99, 2-13-08.New 5-7-74, Amended 12-27-77, Formerly 17-17.04, Amended 5-9-83, 4-14-86, 1-22-91, 1-26-93, Formerly 17-17.051, Amended 2-1-99, 2-13-08.