(1) Prior to the expiration of each biennial licensure period, and as a condition for renewal of their cosmetology license or specialty registration, all licensed cosmetologists and registered specialists shall complete a minimum of ten (10) hours of continuing education which shall include, at a minimum, all of the following subjects as they relate to the practice of cosmetology: (a) A minimum of one (1) hour of instruction regarding HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases which shall consist of: 1. Education on the modes of transmission, infection control procedures, clinical management, and prevention of HIV and AIDS; and2. Discussion of attitudes towards HIV and AIDS as well as appropriate behavior in dealing with persons who may have the virus or syndrome.(b) A minimum of three (3) hours of instruction regarding sanitation and sterilization which shall consist of instruction regarding:1. Standard cleaning and disinfecting precautions, including;2. How to distinguish between disinfectants and antiseptics,3. How to sanitize hands and disinfect tools used in the practice of cosmetology; and4. Bacterial, viral, and fungal, bloodborne pathogens and parasites, and infection and infestation control.(c) A minimum of one-half (.5) hour of instruction regarding Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations.(d) A minimum of one-half (.5) hour of instruction regarding issues of workers' compensation as they pertain to Florida law.(e) A minimum of two (2) hours of instruction regarding state and federal laws and rules as they pertain to cosmetologists, cosmetology, salons, specialists, specialty salons, and booth renters; specifically including but not limited to Chapter 477, F.S., and the Rules of the Board. At a minimum this instruction shall include the following: 1. The laws and rules of the Board that protect the health, safety, and welfare of the consumer;2. The laws and rules of the Board that determine where and when individuals may legally practice cosmetology and specialties;3. The functions of the Board of Cosmetology, how its members are appointed, and their duties;4. The laws and rules of the Board which specify prohibited conduct, and the penalties for failure to follow the laws and rules;5. Salon requirements and inspections; and6. The dates, fees, and requirements for renewal of cosmetology licenses, salon licenses, and specialty registrations.(f) A minimum of one (1) hour of instruction regarding chemical makeup as it pertains to hair, skin, and nails.(g) A minimum of one (1) hour of instruction regarding environmental issues.(h) A minimum of one (1) hour of continuing education to be composed of additional instruction in any of the subjects set forth above or such other subject or subjects as the licensee may choose provided that the subject or subjects chosen relate to the practice of cosmetology and serve to ensure the protection of the public; and, provided that the course in which such subjects are taught has been approved by the Board prior to its being taught for continuing education purposes, and provided the licensee or registrant has not previously taken the course during the current licensure period.(2) Home study courses, video courses, and courses which are given at cosmetology conferences may be counted toward the required hours of continuing education provided that, prior to their being taught, they have been approved by the Board as including instruction in subjects as set forth by this rule and as complying with all other requirements as set forth in this rule.(3) All continuing education home study courses shall include a written post-course examination which must be graded by the course provider. Post-course examinations may be open-book examinations. In order to receive continuing education credit for the course, licensees or registrants must achieve a 75% passing score on all post-course examinations.(4) All licensees and registrants who successfully complete a continuing education course shall be provided with a certificate of completion by the provider of the continuing education course which shall indicate the provider's name and provider number, the course title and course number, the licensee's or registrant's name and license or registration number, the date the course was completed, and the total number of hours successfully completed in each subject covered by the continuing education course. All licensees and registrants shall retain the certificate of completion for all continuing education courses successfully completed by the licensee or registrant for a period of not less than three (3) years following the first license or registration renewal following the completion of the course.(5) Licensees holding two or more licenses subject to the HIV/AIDS education course requirement shall present all license numbers to the provider of such course.(6) PROVIDER APPROVAL AND REQUIREMENTS. (a) All providers of continuing education courses must be approved by the Board prior to offering continuing education courses. All individuals or organizations seeking to be approved as a continuing education provider shall submit to the Department, or if the Department shall contract with a private entity to administer the continuing education program then to such private entity, no later than 60 days prior to the next scheduled Board meeting at which the application is to be considered for approval. A complete application for continuing education provider status shall consist of the following items and information: 1. A completed application on a form prescribed by the department copies of which may be obtained from the Board office.3. A sample copy of the certificate of completion which the provider shall supply to all licensees or registrants who successfully complete courses given by the provider. The certificate of completion shall indicate on its face areas for the inclusion of the information as required by paragraph (6)(d) of this rule.(b) Upon approval by the Board of the individual or organization as a continuing education provider, a continuing education provider number will be assigned to the provider; and, shall be included in all future correspondence or submissions by the provider to the Board, the Department, or any private entity contracted with by the Department to administer the continuing education program.(c) Once the Department shall contract with a private entity to administer the continuing education program, then for each continuing education course taught, all continuing education providers shall submit to such private entity, a list of all attendees successfully completing the continuing education course within 21 days of the completion of the course. The list shall include the provider's name and provider number, the course title and course number, the licensee's or registrant's name and license or registration number, the date the course was completed, and the total number of hours successfully completed in each subject covered during the continuing education course. For home study courses offered by a continuing education provider, the provider shall supply the name and license or registration number for each individual successfully completing the course within 21 days following the determination by the provider that the individual has successfully completed the home study course together with the provider's name and provider number, the home study course title and course number, and the date the course was completed. All lists and information shall be provided to the private entity in such form as determined by private entity.(d) All continuing education providers shall provide a certificate of completion to all licensees and registrants who successfully complete a continuing education course which shall indicate on the certificate's face the provider's name and provider number, the course title and course number, the licensee's or registrant's name and license or registration number, the date the course was completed, and the total number of hours successfully completed in each subject covered by the continuing education course.(e) Continuing education providers shall electronically provide to the Department the list of attendees at each of its offered courses within 30 business days of the completion of the course. However, the continuing education provider shall electronically report to the Department completion of a licensee's course within 10 business days beginning on the 30th day before the renewal deadline or prior to the renewal date, whichever occurs sooner. For home study courses, the provider shall electronically supply the list of those individuals successfully completing the course by the 5th of the month following the calendar month in which the provider received documentation and was able to determine the successful completion of the course by the individual. This list shall include the provider's name and provider number, the name and license or registration number of the attendee, the date the course was completed, and the course number. All documents from the provider shall be submitted electronically to the Department and must be in a form as agreed to by the Department with the provider. Failure to comply with the time and form requirements will result in disciplinary action taken against the provider and the course approval. Each continuing education provider shall maintain records of attendance or completion for all continuing education courses offered or taught by the provider for a period of not less than four years following the offering of each course or the receipt of documentation of completion of a home study course. Upon request, these records shall be made available for inspection by the Department or its agent, or the private entity contracted with by the Department to administer the continuing education program at such reasonable time and location as determined by the Department or its agent, or the private entity. The list of attendees submitted electronically to the Department shall not include the names of applicants taking the course for initial licensure pursuant to Rule 61G5-18.011, F.A.C.(f) If the Department contracts with a private entity to administer the continuing education program, all continuing education providers shall submit all required forms and information, and shall pay all required fees directly to the private entity.(g) Approval as a continuing education provider shall be valid through May 31 of odd numbered years for all providers. After the expiration of a continuing education provider's approval, the provider shall not offer or teach any continuing education courses for credit toward the required hours of continuing education until the provider has renewed its approval as a continuing education provider.(h) Any substantive changes regarding the information contained in the provider's application for approval, or previously submitted by the provider to the Department or to a private entity contracted with by the Department to administer the continuing education program, shall be filed with the Department, or if the Department shall contract with a private entity to administer the continuing education program then with such private entity, within 30 days of the change occurring.(i) At any time, the Board shall recommend to the Department to revoke its approval of a continuing education provider if it finds that such approval is sought or was received by fraud or misrepresentation by the provider, the provider has failed to adhere to the standards and other requirements as set forth in this rule or Section 455.2178, Florida Statutes, or that the provider has engaged in fraudulent behavior relating to the provision of continuing education. Before requesting that the Department revoke a provider's continuing education approval, the Board shall give the provider notice and an opportunity to be heard. If the approval of a provider is revoked, the continuing education provider shall thereafter be barred from presenting any continuing education courses to licensees or registrants for credit unless the provider demonstrates to the Board that the provider has been sufficiently rehabilitated to be trusted to provide such courses to licensees or registrants in the future. Revocation of a continuing education provider's approval shall also operate as a revocation of all previously approved continuing education courses for all future offerings by the provider.(j) For purposes of Section 455.2178, F.S., Chapter 477, F.S., and the rules adopted by the Board, the term "continuing education provider" shall mean any individual, organization, or other entity who offers or teaches: (1) courses for purposes of fulfilling the requirements of license renewal which has been submitted to and approved by the board for such purposes; or(2) an HIV/AIDS education course for purposes of fulfilling the requirements of initial licensure or license renewal which has been submitted to and approved by the Board for such purposes, or which has been approved for these purposes by rule of the Board. All continuing education providers shall comply with all provisions and requirements of this rule, and Section 455.2178 F.S., for the purpose of monitoring continuing education compliance. Failure to comply with such provisions and requirements by any continuing education provider shall be grounds for the suspension or revocation of the continuing education course approval.(7) COURSE APPROVAL AND REQUIREMENTS.(a) Except as noted below, all proposed continuing education courses, including those courses which are to be taught at cosmetology conferences, home study, and video courses, must be approved by the Board prior to their being offered or taught for continuing education credit; and, may only be offered or taught by the continuing education provider submitting the course for approval.(b) All continuing education courses shall comply with the requirements as set forth in this rule, including but not limited to those regarding the required subjects and topics to be included in the proposed course.(c) Continuing education providers seeking approval of a continuing education course shall submit a complete application for continuing education course approval to the Department, or if the Department shall contract with a private entity to administer the continuing education program then to such private entity, no later than 60 days prior to the next scheduled Board meeting at which the course is to be considered for approval. A complete application for continuing education course approval shall consist of the following: 1. A completed application on a form prescribed by the department, copies of which may be obtained from the Board office.2. If the Department shall contract with a private entity to administer the continuing education program, a fee in the amount of $100;3. A complete copy of the course as it will be provided to licensee which includes the subjects, topics, and subtopics to be presented in the course and a narrative summary of all areas to be covered in each subject, topic and subtopic, and a list of all reference and source materials including the publication date for each;4. If the proposed continuing education course consists of a home study course, a copy of the written post-course examination which will be used to test licensees and registrants comprehension and understanding of the subjects, topics, and subtopics presented in the course;5. Evidence of the method to be used by the attendees of the course for evaluation of the learning experience and instructional methods used in the course; and6. Instructor resumes, if applicable, listing the instructor's educational qualifications or evidence of appropriate skills or knowledge in the subject matter of the course. Instructors must possess sufficient skills and knowledge in the subject areas being taught.(d) Upon approval by the Board of a continuing education course, a continuing education course number will be assigned to the course; and, shall be included in all future correspondence or submissions by the continuing education provider to the Board, the Department, or any private entity contracted with by the Department to administer the continuing education program. 1. The continuing education course number and continuing education provider number shall be included in all advertisements, promotions, or other announcements concerning an approved course.2. No course shall be advertised as an approved course until the course has been approved by the Board and received a course number.3. A course shall not be offered or credit given for hours other than what was approved by the Board.4. A course shall not be offered other than in the manner the Board initially approved the course material.(e) All continuing education home study courses shall include a written post-course examination which must be graded by the course provider. Post-course examinations may be open-book examinations. In order to receive continuing education credit for the course, licensees or registrants must achieve a 75% passing score on all post-course examinations,(f) All continuing education courses shall include a method to be used by the attendees of the course for evaluation of the learning experience and instructional methods used in the course.(g) Upon the successful completion of a continuing education course all licensees and registrants shall receive a certificate of completion for the course which shall indicate on its face all information as required by paragraph (6)(d) of this rule. One hour of credit will be awarded for each 50 minute classroom hour or for each 50 minutes of home study material.(h) Approval of a continuing education course shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of approval by the Board. After the expiration of a continuing education course approval, the course may not be offered or taught for credit toward the required hours of continuing education; and, must be again approved by the Board prior to its being offered or taught for continuing education credit. Applications for approval of a continuing education course shall be submitted to the Department, or if the Department shall contract with a private entity to administer the continuing education program then to such private entity; and, shall contain all of the items and information required for initial approval as a continuing education course as set forth in paragraph (7)(c) of this rule.(i) Any substantive changes regarding the information contained in the provider's application for course approval, or previously submitted by the provider to the Department or to a private entity contracted with by the Department to administer the continuing education program, shall require that the course be resubmitted for approval in accordance with this rule.(j) At any time, the Board shall request the Department revoke the provider's approval if it finds that such approval is sought or was received by fraud or misrepresentation by the provider, that the course which is being provided fails to cover the information required by statute or this rule or Rule 61-6.015, F.A.C., or otherwise fails to meet the requirements specified in this rule, that the course significantly varies from the course proposal that was approved by the Board, or that the course provider has engaged in fraudulent behavior related to the provision of the course. Before the Board recommends that the Department revoke a continuing education provider, the Board shall give the course provider notice and an opportunity to be heard. If the Board denies or the Department revokes the approval of a continuing education provider because of the course provider's fraud or misrepresentation, then the continuing education provider shall thereafter be barred from presenting any continuing education courses to licensees or registrants for credit unless the provider demonstrates to the Board that the provider has been sufficiently rehabilitated to be trusted to provide such courses to licensees or registrants in the future.(k) A course which constitutes a sales presentation or promotion will not be approved for continuing education credit.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 61G5-32.001
Rulemaking Authority 455.2178, 455.2179, 455.2228, 477.016, 477.019(7) FS. Law Implemented 455.2178, 455.2179, 455.2228, 477.019(7) FS.
New 3-25-99, Amended 2-28-00, 7-27-00, 7-29-01, 7-1-02, 12-6-06, 3-10-08, 3-2-10, 8-12-13, Amended by Florida Register Volume 46, Number 014, January 22, 2020 effective 2/6/2020.New 3-25-99, Amended 2-28-00, 7-27-00, 7-29-01, 7-1-02, 12-6-06, 3-10-08, 3-2-10, 8-12-13, 2-6-20.