Section 61G4-15.027 - Pollutant Storage System Specialty Contractors(1) Scope of Rule: The purpose of this rule is to provide for the certification of pollutant storage system specialty contractors.(2) Certification procedures and fees for Pollutant Storage System Specialty Contractors shall be the same as those provided for the certification of other contractors as required by and set forth in Sections 489.109, 489.111, 489.113, 489.114, 489.115, 489.116, F.S., and related rules.(3) Method of Operation: nothing in this rule chapter is intended to supersede or modify standards of operation established for pollutant storage system specialty contractors by the Department of Environmental Protection, as expressly stated in rule Chapter 62-761, F.A.C., which rule chapter is hereby adopted (effective 11-99) and incorporated herein by reference as the Board's operating standards for pollutant storage system specialty contractors.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 61G4-15.027
Rulemaking Authority 489.108, 489.113(3), (7), 489.129(3), 489.133 FS. Law Implemented 489.113(3), (7), (8), 489.115(4), (5), 489.133, 455.213 FS.
New 2-1-00, Amended 7-7-05, 11-15-07.New 2-1-00, Amended 7-7-05, 11-15-07.