Fla. Admin. Code R. 6E-1.0032

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 6E-1.0032 - Fair Consumer Practices
(1) This rule implements the provisions of Sections 1005.04 and 1005.34, F.S., and establishes the regulations and standards of the Commission relative to fair consumer practices and the operation of independent postsecondary education institutions in Florida.
(2) This rule applies to those institutions as specified in Section 1005.04(1), F.S. All such institutions and locations shall demonstrate compliance with fair consumer practices.
(3) The definitions contained in Section 1005.02, F.S., and Rule 6E-1.003, F.A.C., apply equally herein unless expressly indicated otherwise.
(4) All advertising and promotional literature shall be accurate and not misleading to the public. A copy of each advertisement shall be available to the Commission upon request for inspection at each location providing administrative services. The level of educational programs provided shall be disclosed. Compliance with subsection 6E-2.004(5) and paragraph 6E-2.004(11)(c), F.A.C., regarding recruitment, admissions, and advertising, is required of all institutions operating or soliciting students in Florida. See paragraph (6)(j) of this rule for requirements for statements regarding job opportunities. If any information is provided to students regarding salaries, such information shall be limited to accurate and unexaggerated representations of entry level salaries reflective of employees having the same skills, education, and experience as the students will have upon graduation. If advertising violations occur, the Commission shall require an institution to receive prior approval of future advertising copy before publication or broadcasting. Continued advertising violations shall result in probation with conditions and fines, or revocation of licensure pursuant to Sections 1005.34 and 1005.38, F.S. Any placement claims, employment predictions, or salary projections used by the institution in its recruiting efforts shall be accurate, and based upon reliable statistical data which shall be provided to all prospective students and to the Commission upon request. It is the responsibility of the institution to ensure that all such claims are kept up to date and reflect actual current conditions and job market projections, taking into account the anticipated needs in the local community. Advertisements shall contain citations of the source of such claims. The institution shall maintain backup documentation to support the citations.
(5) Any licensed institution offering a program which does not make the graduate eligible to take required professional examinations in that field or to practice regulated professions in that field in Florida must publish a disclosure statement to inform prospective students clearly and unambiguously of this fact.
(6) Each prospective student shall be provided a written copy, or shall have access to an electronic copy, of the institution's catalog prior to enrollment or the collection of any tuition, fees or other charges. The catalog shall contain the following required disclosures, and catalogs of licensed institutions must also contain the information required in subsections 6E-2.004(11) and (12), F.A.C.:
(a) Purpose of the institution: The purpose of the institution must be disclosed, and must be consistent with Section 1005.01, F.S.
(b) Educational programs and curricula: The curricula shall be published in the catalog and shall state objectives specific to each curriculum and the requirements to be met for successful completion of each curriculum or program. This shall include, at a minimum, the grade point average required for completion of the program and any exit examination requirements, including the disclosure of the exit exams which the students may be required to complete and the required passing score of the exit exams. Information relating to course availability and prerequisites shall be available for students. The catalog shall also contain brief course descriptions for each course offered.
(c) Description of physical facilities: All licensed institutions must describe their physical facilities in Florida, which must meet the requirements as set forth in subsection 6E-2.004(9), F.A.C. Information showing compliance with relevant local safety and health standards, such as fire, building, and sanitation shall be available to students.
(d) Licensure and accreditation status: The institution shall disclose its status regarding licensure by the Commission and its status as an accredited institution or program, as applicable. The level and scope of licensure or accreditation shall be disclosed, and any ramifications of accreditation or lack of accreditation on the ability to sit for professional examinations and eligibility for financial aid shall be disclosed. If the institution makes claims that it is accredited by an accrediting agency that is not recognized by the United States Department of Education, the following disclosure statement must be made in large bold type, all capital letters, and is to be inserted in the publications or advertising, as defined in subsection 6E-1.003(6), F.A.C., prior to identification of or mention of any accrediting association or agency. The required statement is:

The Accrediting Agency(s) or Associations(s) Listed Below Is/Are Not Recognized By the United States Department of Education As An Approved Accedited Agency. Therefore, If You Enroll In This Institution, You May Not Be Eligible For Title IV Federal Financial Assistance, State Student Financial Assistance, or Professional Certification. In Addition, Credits Earned At This Institution May Not Be Accepted For Transfer to Another Transfer to Another Institution, and May Not Be Recognized By Employers.

This disclosure statement shall be inserted in all advertisements or publications wherever accreditation by an unrecognized accrediting agency is mentioned.

(e) Fee schedule: The institution shall disclose all fees required to be paid by students (including tuition, laboratory fees, graduation fees, other required fees), and any nonrefundable fees must be so identified.
(f) Transferability of credits: The institution shall disclose information to the student regarding transferability of credits to other institutions and from other institutions. The institution shall disclose that transferability of credit is at the discretion of the accepting institution, and that it is the student's responsibility to confirm whether or not credits will be accepted by another institution of the student's choice. If a licensed institution has entered into written articulation agreements with other institutions, a list of those other institutions may be provided to students, along with any conditions or limitations on the amount or kinds of credit that will be accepted. Such written agreements with other institutions must be valid and in effect at the time the information is disclosed to the student. The agreements shall be kept on file at all times and available for inspection by Commission representatives or students. Any change or termination of the agreements shall be disclosed promptly to all affected students. No representation shall be made by a licensed institution that its credits can be transferred to another specific institution, unless the institution has a current, valid articulation agreement on file. Units or credits applied toward the award of a credential may be derived from a combination of any or all of the following:
1. Units or credits earned at and transferred from other postsecondary institutions, when congruent and applicable to the receiving institution's program and when validated and confirmed by the receiving institution.
2. Successful completion of challenge examinations or standardized tests demonstrating learning at the credential level in specific subject matter areas.
3. Prior learning, as validated, evaluated, and confirmed by qualified instructors at the receiving institution.
(g) Admissions: The institution shall disclose its method of assessing a student's ability to successfully complete the course of study for which he or she has applied. The requirements for admission and for graduation shall be disclosed. If the practice of a career has special requirements or limitations, such as certain physical or language capabilities or lack of a criminal record, such requirements or limitations shall be disclosed to prospective students interested in training for that career.
(h) Student financial assistance: Information about the availability of financial assistance shall be disclosed to prospective students. In addition, each institution shall make such disclosure in writing, to be signed and dated by each student applying for and receiving a student loan, to the effect that the student understands that he or she is obligated to repay the loan, the terms and amounts of repayments, and when repayments will begin. References to financial assistance availability in any school catalogs or advertising shall include the phrase, "for those who qualify."
(i) Student refund policies: This rule establishes the Commission's minimum refund guidelines for licensed institutions. Refund policies which pertain to students who are receiving Title IV Federal Student Financial Assistance or veterans' benefits shall be in compliance with applicable federal regulations.
1. All institutions shall have an equitable prorated refund policy for all students, which shall be disclosed in the catalog and enrollment agreement or similar documents, and must be uniformly administered. Any nonrefundable fees or charges shall also be disclosed.
2. The institution's refund policy shall provide a formula for proration of refunds based upon the length of time the student remains enrolled, up to a minimum of 40 percent of a program, if the student is charged tuition for an entire program; or 20% percent, if the institution charges the student for a term, quarter, semester, or other time period that is less than the duration of the entire program.
3. As an alternative, an institution that charges tuition for a term, quarter, semester or other time period that is less than the duration of the entire program may establish a drop/add period which shall be no less than 10 percent of the period for which the student is financially committed, or one week, whichever is less. If the student withdraws before the end of the drop/add period, the student will be refunded all tuition and fees, as well as any funds paid for supplies, books, or equipment which can be and are returned to the institution.
4. The refund policy shall not consider that all or substantially all tuition for an entire program or term is earned when a student has been enrolled for only a minimal percentage of the program or term. The refund policy shall provide for cancellation of any obligation, other than a book and supply assessment for supplies, materials and kits which are not returnable because of use, within 3 working days from the student's signing an enrollment agreement or contract. Refunds shall be made within 30 days of the date that the institution determines that the student has withdrawn.
5. Institutions need not keep attendance, but must adopt and publish an equitable policy by which withdrawal dates will be determined, which may include notification by the student or reports from faculty. This policy shall be submitted to the Commission before publication.
6. Nonrefundable fees regarding admission and registration of Florida students shall not exceed $150. The requirements regarding refund policies as stated herein do not apply to dormitory or meal fees. Refund policies for those fees, if charged, shall be set by the institution and also disclosed in conjunction with the refund policy.
(j) Employment placement services: The extent of placement services shall be specifically described. No guarantee of placement shall be made or implied. The institution may disclose information relating to market and job availability, if verified through statistical research; however, the institution shall not promise or imply any specific market or job availability amounts.
(k) A statement that additional information regarding the institution, if licensed, may be obtained by contacting the Commission for Independent Education, Department of Education, 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1414, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400, toll-free telephone number (888)224-6684.
(7) Reduction of tuition or fees: A reduction in tuition, fees, or other charges may be implemented when there are specific criteria for student eligibility and selection procedures precisely disclosed within a policy at the institution. All students within the enrollment period that the reduction is offered must be eligible to apply for this reduction under the same circumstance; however there shall be no reduction based upon the timing or method of payment. The institution must maintain verifiable records including detailed and complete data when students are granted a bona fide reduction in tuition or fees. This must include copies of all application records, notes of selection committee meetings, and copies of notices to the student who received the reduction. This information shall be kept on file at the institution for on site review by CIE.
(8) A licensed institution which is not accredited by a United States Department of Education recognized institutional accrediting agency shall use an enrollment agreement or application for admission which, in addition to the catalog, shall be the binding contract between the institution and the student. The binding document shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) Title. The binding document shall be identified by title as a "Contract, " "Agreement, " "Application" or similar title and clearly indicate that it will constitute a binding agreement upon acceptance by the institution and the student;
(b) Name of the institution. Name, phone number, and physical address of the institution;
(c) Title of Program. Program title as licensed and identified in the catalog;
(d) Time Required. Number of clock hours or credit units, including the number of weeks or months, or credit hours required for completion;
(e) Credential for Satisfactory Completion. At a minimum, this must include the grade point average required for completion of the program and any exit examination requirements, including the disclosure of the exit exams which the students may be required to complete and the required passing score of the exit exams;
(f) Costs. All costs shall be clearly stated;
1. Tuition. The total tuition for the program must be listed by the total length of the program, the tuition cost per credit hour, clock hour, term or academic year.
2. Fees. All refundable and nonrefundable fees payable by the student.
3. Books and supplies. The cost for books and supplies may be estimated if necessary. This item may be omitted if the binding document states that the costs for books and supplies are included in the tuition charges as stated in the document.
4. Any other costs. Any other costs required to be paid by the student, whether or not purchased from the school. These costs may be stated as a listing of goods or services not included in the tuition.
(g) Terms of payment. The method of payment of all costs shall be clearly stated in the binding document and shall comply with federal and state laws.
(h) Class Start.
(i) Anticipated Program Completion Date (for Institutions that are not Colleges or Universities).
(j) Class Schedule. The day, evening or other schedule of class attendance must be clearly stated (if known at the time of signature by student).
(k) Termination or Cancellation by the Institution or Student. Grounds or procedures for cancellation of a binding document by an institution or student shall be clearly stated.
(l) Refund Policy. Institutions shall comply with refund policy as provided in subsection 6E-1.0032(6), F.A.C.
(m) Employment Guarantee Disclaimer. Institutions shall publish the disclaimer as provided in paragraph 6E-1.0032(6)(j), F.A.C.
(n) Statement that all signers have received and read a copy of the binding document and catalog.
(o) Signatures and Acceptance. The binding document shall contain the date and signature of the applicant and parent or guardian, if the applicant is under eighteen (18) years of age and the acceptance date and signature of the appropriate official at the institution.
(p) Format. If the binding document is not completed on one (1) side of a single sheet of paper, each side must clearly and conspicuously refer to the conditions on the other side as being part of the document. If more than one (1) page is used, each page must be numbered page 1 of ___ pages, page 2 of ___ pages, etc.
(9) If the Commission determines that ongoing complaints show a pattern of misinformation, lack of disclosure, or discrepancies between printed, electronic, and verbal information being given to prospective students, the Commission shall require that institutions prepare additional documents, to be individually signed and dated by students, to address the problem. Significant deviations from fair consumer practices shall be grounds for probation, denial or revocation of licensure pursuant to Sections 1005.32(7), 1005.34(3) and 1005.38(1), F.S., and Rule 6E-2.0061, F.A.C.
(10) The institution shall develop, publish, and follow a procedure for handling complaints, disciplinary actions and appeals. The procedure shall ensure that complaints and disciplinary actions are not handled in a capricious or arbitrary manner, but are given careful consideration by appropriate levels of administration. It is understood that the health and safety of students and staff are the institution's primary concern. In the event of extreme cases, it may be necessary for the institution to take immediate disciplinary action. If the institution has an emergency disciplinary procedure, this procedure shall be disclosed to prospective students, and grounds for such action shall be specified in as much detail as possible.
(11) Prior to the initial enrollment or reentry of students into programs for the prelicensure education of professional or practical nurses, certified nursing assistant training programs, or any combination of such programs, an institution shall provide to each student each applicable disclosure form completed by the institution. The disclosure must be signed and dated by the prospective student and a school official, with a copy to be maintained in the student's file. Passage rates for first time test takers and probationary status of the program shall be provided for the most recent calendar year published by the Board of Nursing. Each institution must update the disclosures within thirty (30) days of the date when the information is published on the Board of Nursing's website. Institutions shall use the following forms which are incorporated by reference and may be obtained without cost from the Commission's website at www.fldoe.org/cie or by writing to the Commission for Independent Education at 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1414, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400:
(a) Professional Nursing Student Disclosure, Form number 609a, effective August 2017 (http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-08561).
(b) Practical Nursing Student Disclosure, Form number 609b, effective August 2017 (http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-08562).
(c) Certified Nursing Assistant Student Disclosure, Form number 609c, effective August 2017 (http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-08563).
(12) An institution is responsible for ensuring compliance with this rule by any person or company contracted with or employed by the institution to act on its behalf in matters of advertising, recruiting, or otherwise making representations which may be accessed by prospective students, whether verbally, electronically, or by other means of communication.
(13) It shall be the responsibility of an institution to require a training program for all staff who recruit prospective students or who participate in the admission of prospective students, at the institution. The training program shall be submitted to the Commission for approval with each application for a provisional license, an annual license or a license by means of accreditation, and with each annual review of a license by means of accreditation. Institutions that choose to employ a training provider for its training program may, if the program provided by the contractor has been approved by the Commission, provide the program without additional approval. Training shall include information to familiarize staff who recruit prospective students, or who participate in the admission of prospective students, with Chapter 1005, F.S., and with the institution's programs, services, costs, terms of payment, financial aid available for qualified students, refund policy, transferability of credits to other institutions, reasonable employment projections and accurate placement data, status of the institution regarding licensure and accreditation, facts regarding the eligibility of graduates to sit for licensure examinations or fulfill other requirements to practice in Florida the career or profession for which the prospective student wishes to be trained, and other relevant facts. The training program shall reflect the fair consumer practices outlined in Sections 1005.04 and 1005.34, F.S., and this rule.
(14) Institutions shall maintain a file or keep a record for each student at each location, translated into English and conforming to the requirements of Rule 6E-2.004, F.A.C., and containing the following at a minimum:
(a) Academic transcript;
(b) All documents evidencing a student's eligibility for enrolled programs;
(c) Any certificates or diplomas earned;
(d) Copies of applications or contractual agreements;
(e) Financial records;
(f) Student counseling or advising records;
(g) Records of progress; and,
(h) Nursing Student Disclosure (if applicable).

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 6E-1.0032

Rulemaking Authority 1005.22(1)(e)1., 1005.34 FS. Law Implemented 1005.04, 1005.22(1)(k), 1005.31(13), 1005.32(5), 1005.34 FS.

New 10-19-93, Amended 4-2-96, 11-5-00, 1-7-03, 1-20-04, 3-29-04, 3-28-05, 5-18-05, 6-13-05, 7-23-07, 2-1-11, Amended by Florida Register Volume 43, Number 153, August 8, 2017 effective 8/20/2017, Amended by Florida Register Volume 50, Number 025, February 6, 2024 effective 2/20/2024.

New 10-19-93, Amended 4-2-96, 11-5-00, 1-7-03, 1-20-04, 3-29-04, 3-28-05, 5-18-05, 6-13-05, 7-23-07, 2-1-11, 8-20-17, 2-20-24.