Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 6C9-5.1010 - Right to Appeal(1) UNF Traffic Citations: (a) At the discretion of the person filing the appeal, the appeal may either be presented to the Director of Police and Public Safety or designee who may grant the appeal, or to the University Traffic Authority, appointed by the President. The Authority shall include the Director of Police and Public Safety, or designee, who shall serve in an advisory capacity only.(b) Appeals must be initiated within ten (10) calendar days after date of issuance of the citation. Appeals may be filed with University Parking Services or the Department of Police and Public Safety located in Building 41/Room 1012, at any hour of the day or night. The person filing the appeal will receive notice of the date and time of the University Traffic Authority's hearing. It shall be the appellant's responsibility to provide University Parking Services with a current and accurate address at the time the appeal is filed. Failure to do so will result in dismissal of the appeal. If the appeal is so dismissed, the fine is due within ten (10) calendar days of the appeal hearing date. During the course of the appeal, all penalties and/or administrative actions are withheld pending disposition of the appeal.(2) Towing or Impoundment Appeals: (a) Persons whose vehicle has been towed may petition in writing to the Director of Police and Public Safety to appear before the Director or designee to present their case as to the propriety of the impoundment and the driver/owner's liability for the towing and storage charges. All claims of impropriety must include a copy of the receipt showing that the claimant has paid all towing and storage charges prior to filing for a hearing.(b) To obtain a hearing date, the individual must personally appear at University Parking Services or Department of Police and Public Safety within ten (10) calendar days after the release of the vehicle from impoundment. Failure to adhere to the time limit will revoke all privileges for a hearing. The Director of Police and Public Safety or designee shall notify the claimant of the hearing date and time, and the name and telephone number of the designee (if applicable). The claimant will be notified at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the hearing date by the Director or designee. This date will be at least ten (10) calendar days from the date of posting of the request for hearing, which will include Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. At the discretion of the hearing official, this date will be extended but not more than thirty (30) calendar days after the posting of the request for hearing.(3) The decision of the Director of Police and Public Safety or designee is final and binding on all parties.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 6C9-5.1010
Rulemaking Authority 1001.74(4) FS. Law Implemented 1001.74(35), 1006.66 FS.