Fla. Admin. Code R. 6C3-10.132

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 6C3-10.132 - Predetermination Procedures for Tenured and Permanent Status Faculty and University Support Personnel System Employees
(1) Written Notice - Prior to the dismissal, suspension, or disciplinary reduction in pay of a tenured or permanent status employee, the University shall give the employee written notice as follows:
(a) The employee shall be given written notice of the proposed action and the reasons therefore Such notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or delivered in person with written documentation of receipt obtained.
(b) The mailed notice shall be considered received by the employee even if refused or ignored.
(2) Contents of Notice - The notice shall be signed by the President or President's designee who makes the final decision regarding the proposed action. The notice shall include the following information:
(a) The effective date of the University's proposed final action;
(b) The specific charges or reasons for the action;
(c) A list of documents or written explanation on which the charges are based; and a statement that documents shall be available to the employee upon request;
(d) A statement that the employee may, within 10 days of receipt of the notice, submit a request in writing for a conference at which the employee may make an oral or written statement, or both, to the University to refute or explain the charges or reasons for the action; and the name and address of the person to whom the request for a conference shall be directed;
(e) A statement that the requested conference must be held prior to the proposed effective date of the action, at a time and place determined by the University, normally during regular business hours, and that the employee may bring a representative to advise and assist;
(f) A statement that the University desires to reduce the risk of error in taking the action against the employee and to avoid damaging the employee's reputation by untrue or erroneous charges, and therefore, the University is interested in receiving and considering the employee's response; and
(g) A copy of this rule shall be enclosed with the notice.
(3) Conference - The conference must be conducted by the designated representative(s) of the President as follows:
(a) The purpose of the conference shall be to hear the employee's response to the charges in order to protect the employee from erroneous or arbitrary adverse action; to afford the University an opportunity to reevaluate its position after reviewing the information presented by the employee, and to thereafter make a recommendation to affirm or alter the disciplinary action as may be warranted.
(b) The conference shall be informal and shall not be in the nature of an evidentiary hearing. The employee may bring a representative to advise and assist, but discovery, cross-examination and similar legal procedures are not permissible.
(c) The employee shall be permitted to submit relevant information, orally or in writing, or both, with the privilege being reserved to the University to give such information the weight it deems proper. If the employee chooses to make no response, the University will proceed on the basis of the best information it can obtain without such response.
(d) After the conference is conducted, the employee shall be notified, by the President or President's designee of the University's decision.
(4) Decision - If the University determines after the conference that it will proceed with the proposed disciplinary action, the employee shall be notified as described in this rule within five workdays prior to the date the action is effective. USPS employees shall be informed of their right to appeal to an arbitrator under the provisions of Board of Regents subsection 6C-5.950(4), F.A.C. If the employee occupies a position included in a certified bargaining unit, the employee shall be further notified that the grievance procedures as provided in the applicable collective bargaining agreement may be used. Further, the University shall follow the provisions of Part VI of Chapter 112, F.S., Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights, when Sworn Law Enforcement Personnel are involved.
(a) During the period between the first notice and the effective date of the action, one of the following options may be used by the University: retain the employee in the employee's usual duties; temporarily assign the employee to other duties; or place the employee on administrative leave with pay.
(5) Extraordinary Situations.
(a) In extraordinary situations, when the retention of a tenured or permanent status employee is likely to result in damage to property, or is likely to result in injury to the employee, a fellow employee, or some other person, the employee may be suspended or dismissed immediately upon written or oral notice to the employee of the charges giving rise to the suspension or dismissal.
(b) If an oral notice of suspension or dismissal is given to an employee, the University shall within 24 hours issue a written notice confirming the proposed action and the reason(s) therefore.
(c) In lieu of the action to suspend or dismiss the employee, the University may place the employee on administrative leave as described in subsection 6C-5.920(14), F.A.C.
(d) USPS employees shall be informed of their right to appeal to an arbitrator under the provisions of subsection 6C-5.955(4), F.A.C.
(e) If the employee occupies a position included in a certified bargaining unit, the employee shall be further notified that the grievance procedures as provided in the applicable collective bargaining agreement may be used.
(f) Further, the University will follow provisions of Part VI of Chapter 112, F.S., Law Enforcement Officer's Bill of Rights, when sworn law enforcement personnel are involved.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 6C3-10.132

Rulemaking Authority 120.53(1)(a), 240.227(1) FS. Law Implemented 240.227(5), (19), 240.202 FS.

New 6-27-96.

New 6-27-96.