Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 6C11-8.017 - New College of Florida; Appointment, Employment, and Removal of University Police(1) General. This chapter implements Section 1012.97, F.S. and shall apply to the appointment, employment and removal of New College of Florida University Police officers. These rules are supplemented by College rules found elsewhere in the Florida Administrative Code and applicable collective bargaining agreements. Any person employed or appointed as a university police officer shall meet the minimum standards established by the State of Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission and Capter 943, F.S.(2) Appointment of University Police Officer. New College of Florida shall appoint university police in accordance with the following standards and procedures. (a) In order to qualify for consideration for appointment or employment by the College as a university police officer, an applicant must: 1. Have graduated high school or passed the General Education Development Test in accordance with Rule 6A-6.021, F.A.C. and attained, at minimum, an Associate's degree or transcript verification of successful completion of one (1) year of college work from an accredited institution as defined in Section 943.22(1), F.S., or licensed by the Florida Board of Independent Colleges and Universities, or shall have attained a certificate issued by the United States Armed Forces Institute prior to December 31, 1974, showing successful completion of high school equivalency.2. Demonstrate, based on psychological testing administered by the College, that he or she is psychologically fit to discharge the duties and responsibilities of a university police officer; and3. Meet the minimum requirements of Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission and Chapter 943, F.S.(b) Prior to appointment of any university police officer, the College shall conduct a thorough background investigation in accordance with the procedures and standards established in Chapter 11B-27, F.A.C., to determine whether an applicant meets the minimum standards established by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission and Chapter 943, F.S.(c) If an applicant qualifies under subparagraphs (2)(a)1.-2. and meets the minimum standards established by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission and Chapter 943, F.S., he or she shall be eligible for consideration for appointment and employment. If appointed, and before entering into the performance of his or her duties, an applicant shall: 1. Take and subscribe in writing to the oath of office as set forth in New College of Florida University Police Department General Order I-102, dated October 15, 2002, which shall be administered by the Chief of University Police ("Chief"); and,2. Subscribe in writing to the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics as set forth in New College of Florida University Police Department General Order I-102, dated October 15, 2002.(d) The College shall obtain and approve a bond on each university police officer in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or such other amount as may be determined by the College based on the amount of money or property likely to be in the custody of the officer at any one time. The bond shall be payable to the Governor of the State of Florida or his or her successor in office, and shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of such officer.(e) Appointment or Employment of Uncertified Applicants. Applicants who are not currently certified by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission and who are otherwise eligible for consideration for appointment or employment may be temporarily appointed or employed in accordance with Section 943.131, F.S., provided that: 1. The Chief first certifies in writing that: a. A critical need to appoint or employ the applicant exists;b. The critical need is documented; and, c. The applicant is or will be enrolled in the next approved basic recruit training program available in Sarasota or Manatee County; and,2. The requirements of Section 943.131, F.S., are complied with.(3) Pursuant to Section 943.133(1), F.S., the Chief shall be responsible for the collection, verification, and maintenance of documentation establishing that applicants appointed or employed comply with the requirements of Sections 943.13 and 943.131, F.S., and rules adopted pursuant thereto. Prior to the employment or appointment of any university police officer, the Chief shall execute and maintain a Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission registration affidavit of compliance form as required by Section 943.133, F.S., attesting to compliance with Section 943.133(1), F.S.(4) Requirements for Continued Employment of University Police Officer. In addition to any other conditions of employment established by rule or policy of the College and applicable to University Support Personnel, or by collective bargaining agreement, each university police officer as a condition of continued employment or appointment as university police officers, shall continue to meet the minimum standards established by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission and Chapter 943, F.S.; shall maintain in good standing his or her certification pursuant to Chapter 943, F.S. and Rule 11B-27.002, F.A.C., and shall receive periodic Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission-approved continuing training or education pursuant to Chapter 943, F.S.(5) Notification of Employment, Appointment and Separation. The Chief shall be responsible for notifying Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission of the appointment, employment and separation of university police officers in accordance with Rule 11B-27.002, F.A.C., and for submitting affidavits of separation as required by subsection 11B-27.002(5), F.A.C.(6) Requirements for Certification. The Chief of Police shall be responsible for annually filing with the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission, in accordance with subsection 11B-27.002(2), F.A.C., documentation verifying that all officers employed or appointed by the College, have satisfied the requirements of Section 943.13, F.S., within 30 days of hire.(7) Duty to Report, Investigations and Procedures. When the allegation is made or the College has cause to suspect that a university police officer it employs does not comply with Section 943.13(4) or (7), F.S., or subsection 11B-27.0011(4), F.A.C., or if an act of conduct of the officer has resulted in the officer's arrest, the President or his designee, or the Chief of Police, as appropriate, shall: (a) Conduct and conclude an internal investigation, including an official disposition, pursuant to New College of Florida University Police Department General Order I-109, dated October 15, 2002;(b) Take, in connection with the conduct and disposition of such investigation, such other action, including, but not limited to, the reassignment, suspension, or removal of the officer as is consistent with General Order I-109, College rules found elsewhere in the Florida Administrative Code, and applicable collective bargaining agreements; and,(c) Satisfy the investigative reporting requirements and procedures of Rule 11B-27.0022 and subsection 11B-27.0011(6), F.A.C.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 6C11-8.017
Rulemaking Authority 1012.97 FS. Law Implemented 1012.97 FS.