Fla. Admin. Code R. 55-11.009

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 55-11.009 - Order and Discipline of Residents
(1) Residents of the home shall cooperate fully in the preservation of order and discipline in the home.
(a) Residents shall observe good health habits and personal hygiene.
1. Except for any specific area designated by the Administrator for such use, the use of tobacco products inside the home is prohibited. Areas shall be designated outside of the home for such use.
2. The use or possession of non-medicinal alcohol, illegal drugs or any controlled substance in the home or on the grounds of the home, is prohibited. Prescription drugs will be controlled by the home, and administered or supervised by the home staff.
3. Residents shall maintain their persons and their living areas in a clean and sanitary manner.
4. Residents shall submit to such physical or mental examinations and shall cooperate in such health or rehabilitative programs as may be outlined by the Comprehensive Care Plan.
(b) Residents shall conduct themselves in a way that does not endanger the safety or security of other residents of the home.
1. Residents shall not bring anything into the home or onto the grounds of the home that endangers the safety or security of other residents.
2. Residents shall not have personal items in their possession that would constitute a fire or safety hazard.
3. Residents shall maintain a courteous relationship toward other residents and members of the staff. Abusive, profane or obscene language shall not be used.
4. Residents shall dress appropriately for the particular activity that they may be engaged in from time to time.
5. Residents shall respect the property of other residents and the facilities of the home.
6. Illegal gambling shall not be permitted in the home.
(c) Visiting hours, areas of visitation, and conduct of residents and visitors during visits shall not interfere with the comfort and well-being of other residents.
(d) Leave time.
1. Absence of up to 96 hours shall not require approval as leave. Absence in excess of such period shall be considered leave time.
2. Residents shall be entitled to up to thirty (30) calendar days of approved leave in any 12 month period, and will receive a written approval or pass. Leave in excess of thirty (30) calendar days will only be granted by the Administrator in extraordinary situations that are beyond the control of the resident.
3. A resident is required to continue to make the member's full contribution to the home while absent or on approved regular annual leave or pass.
(e) No resident shall engage in illegal conduct.
(2) The Administrator, subject to the approval of the Director, is empowered by Section 296.04, F.S., to dismiss a resident of the home for any infraction of these rules.
(3) If the Administrator determines that a resident has caused physical damage to the home, or its furnishings and equipment, either negligently or intentionally, the Administrator may utilize all appropriate remedies as described in Section 296.04, F.S.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 55-11.009

Rulemaking Authority 296.04(2) FS. Law Implemented 296.04(2), (5) FS.

New 5-29-90, Amended 3-26-91, 11-19-92, 3-31-94, 12-27-98, Amended by Florida Register Volume 48, Number 230, November 29, 2022 effective 12/12/2022.

New 5-29-90, Amended 3-26-91, 11-19-92, 3-31-94, 12-27-98, 12-12-22.