Fla. Admin. Code R. 5C-3.005

Current through Reg. 50, No. 177; September 10, 2024
Section 5C-3.005 - Goats or Sheep
(1) Official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (OCVI) Required. All goats or sheep Imported into Florida, except goats or sheep consigned directly to Recognized Slaughtering Establishments, must be accompanied by an OCVI. The OCVI must include the following:
(a) The Official Individual Identification of each animal which must conform to the identification guidelines of the USDA, APHIS Scrapie Eradication Uniform Methods and Rules, USDA, APHIS 91-55-079, June 1, 2005. USDA, APHIS Scrapie Eradication Uniform Methods and Rules, USDA, APHIS 91-55-079, June 1, 2005 is hereby incorporated by reference and available online at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-10879. Approved methods of identification include:
1. Official USDA-APHIS-VS Scrapie eartags;
2. Premises identification tattoos (must be legible and contain the flock number and unique animal number. The flock number is assigned by the USDA, APHIS and is required to be on the OCVI);
3. Official breed registry tattoos (must be accompanied by either the official breed registration certificate or an OCVI that includes the corresponding official registration number); or
4. Electronic microchip/implant (must be accompanied by owner statement of ID numbers, chip manufacturer, chip reader for verification of placement and the USDA flock number recorded on the OCVI) when the breed registry allows for electronic implant identification, as recorded on a registration certificate.
(b) A statement that each goat or sheep is free of the clinical signs of the diseases: caseous lymphadenitis, contagious ecthyma (Orf), chlamydial keratoconjunctivitis, scabies, scrapie, and contagious footrot.
(2) Prior Permission Number. A Prior Permission Number shall be required for all sheep or goats originating from VS-affected states under state or USDA, APHIS quarantine. The Prior Permission Number must be written on the OCVI.
(3) Immediate Slaughter Goats or Sheep. Slaughter goats or sheep are not required to have an OCVI, as exempted by this rule, but do require:
(a) Owner-Shipper Statement. Evidence of ownership or authority to transport the animals as provided in subsection 5C-3.002(2), F.A.C.; and
(b) Official Identification. All goats or sheep entering Florida for slaughter purposes must be individually identified in accordance with paragraph 5C-3.005(1)(a), F.A.C.; and
(c) The goats or sheep must be moved directly to a Recognized Slaughter Establishment without stopping or unloading at other livestock facilities in route.
(4) Testing Requirements for Dairy Goats.
(a) Tuberculosis Test. Dairy goats six (6) months of age or older must originate from an Accredited Tuberculosis-Free Herd, or have had a negative caudal fold tuberculosis test within ninety (90) days prior to Importation into Florida. If originating from an Accredited Tuberculosis-Free Herd, the herd accreditation number and date of last herd accreditation test within the previous twelve (12) months must be written on the OCVI.
(b) Brucellosis Test. Dairy goats six (6) months of age or older must originate from a Certified Brucellosis-Free Herd, or have documentation of a negative brucellosis test within ninety (90) days prior to Importation to Florida. If orginating from a Certified Brucellosis-Free Herd, the herd certification number and date of the last herd certification test within the previous twelve (12) months must be written on the OCVI.
(c) Test Exemptions. There are no tuberculosis or brucellosis test requirements for meat type or pygmy goats.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 5C-3.005

Rulemaking Authority 570.07(23), 585.002(4), 585.08(2) FS. Law Implemented 570.07(15), 570.36(2), 585.08(1), (2)(a), 585.145(1), (2), 585.16 FS.

New 6-29-62, Amended 2-5-85, Formerly 5C-3.05, Amended 9-6-89, 3-23-94, 6-4-95, 12-12-04, 5-24-10, Amended by Florida Register Volume 45, Number 152, August 6, 2019 effective 8/19/2019.

New 6-29-62, Amended 2-5-85, Formerly 5C-3.05, Amended 9-6-89, 3-23-94, 6-4-95, 12-12-04, 5-24-10, 8-19-19.