Section 33-210.104 - Institutional Mail(1) Only Department of Corrections mail or mail concerning the activities of the department will be processed by institutional staff. Institutional employees shall not receive personal mail at the institution. Personal mail includes any mail dealing with the personal affairs of the employee not directly related to department matters.(2) The warden of each institution shall designate mail room staff or employees in each department to inspect staff mail introduced into the confines of the secure perimeter. All incoming mail addressed to staff will be opened and inspected to determine whether it contains contraband or is personal in nature. (a) Mail marked "personal" or "confidential" will be opened by the designated staff in the presence of the receiving employee.(b) Wardens are authorized to allow designated employees to read staff mail for investigative purposes when necessary to maintain the security and order of the institution. Such reading of staff mail will be to determine if any illegal activity is being conducted or any rule is being violated.(3) Employees living in staff housing shall be allowed to receive personal mail at the staff housing address.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 33-210.104
Rulemaking Authority 944.09 FS. Law Implemented 944.09 FS.
New 12-7-98, Formerly 33-3.0054, Formerly 33-602.404, Amended 12-4-01, 9-6-04.New 12-7-98, Formerly 33-3.0054, 33-602.404, Amended 12-4-01, 9-6-04.