Fla. Admin. Code R. 33-103.006

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 33-103.006 - Formal Grievance - Institution or Facility Level
(1) When an inmate decides to file a formal grievance, he or she shall do so by completing Form DC1-303, Request for Administrative Remedy or Appeal, and filing within the time limits set forth in rule 33-103.011, F.A.C. Form DC1-303 is hereby incorporated by reference. Copies of this form are available from the Forms Control Administrator, 501 South Calhoun Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500. http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-03315. The effective date of the form is 11-13.
(a) In institutions and private correctional facilities, inmates shall direct this form to the warden or assistant warden or deputy warden as defined in paragraph 33-103.002(15), F.A.C.
(b) In road prisons, vocational centers, work camps, community correctional centers and contract facilities the form shall be sent to the warden or assistant warden of the supervising institution.
(2) Procedural Requirements.
(a) The inmate shall fill out the identifying data at the top of the form, printing his committed name, Department of Corrections number, institution or facility name and checking the appropriate box.
(b) The inmate shall sign and date the form, indicating his Department of Corrections number. If the inmate fails to sign the grievance, it shall result in a delay in addressing the grievance until it can be verified that it is that inmate's grievance.
(c) The inmate shall state his grievance in Part A. If additional space is needed, the inmate shall use attachments rather than multiple copies of Form DC1-303. Only 2 additional pages of narrative will be allowed. If the inmate writes his complaint anywhere other than within the boundaries of Part A or on the 2 allowable attachment pages, his grievance shall be returned for non-compliance.
(d) The form must be legible and the grievance clearly stated.
(e) Included facts must be accurately stated.
(f) Each grievance must address only one issue or complaint.
(g) The inmate shall attach a copy of the informal grievance and the response to the informal grievance to Form DC1-303, unless the grievance is a direct formal grievance of the following: an emergency grievance that is one of the types identified in paragraphs (3)(a) - (j) of this rule. Any other pertinent documentation shall be attached also. Informal grievances as described in subparagraph 33-103.005(2)(b) 1., F.A.C., shall not be accepted as documentation of having met the requirements of the informal grievance step.
(h) The inmate shall submit the grievance to designated staff by placing the grievance in a locked grievance box. Locked boxes shall be available to inmates in open population and special housing units. A staff person from classification, the grievance coordinator's office, or the assistant warden's office shall be responsible for the key. If the staff member collecting the grievances is from classification or the assistant warden's office, he or she shall retrieve the grievances and deliver them in a locked container to the institutional grievance coordinator. The institutional grievance coordinator shall log all formal grievances and provide the inmates with receipts. The institutional grievance coordinator shall date-stamp the bottom-left portion of Form DC1-303, reflecting the date the grievance was retrieved from the grievance box. The institutional grievance coordinator shall complete the receipt portion of Form DC1-303 by entering a date of receipt, and shall sign as the recipient. The date on the receipt shall be the same date that the grievance was taken out of the grievance box. Grievances shall be picked up, date-stamped, and otherwise processed daily Monday through Friday.
(i) If the inmate is filing an amendment to a previously filed grievance or appeal, the inmate shall clearly state this at the beginning of PART A of Form DC1-303, Request for Administrative Remedy or Appeal. Amendments are to be filed only regarding issues unknown or unavailable to the inmate at the time of filing the original grievance and must be submitted within a reasonable time frame of knowledge of the new information.
(j) If the inmate or third party is filing a grievance involving sexual abuse, it shall be clearly stated in the first line of the grievance that it is a grievance related to sexual abuse. Also on Form DC1-303 the third party filer shall check the box next to Third Party Grievance Alleging Sexual Abuse. If this statement is not included in the grievance and if the third party box is not checked, the grievance shall be responded to. This will not be a reason to return the grievance without action to the filer.
(k) If the inmate is claiming visual impairment, they shall clearly state that in the first line of their grievance in order to receive the five additional days to file their grievance as outlined in subsection 33-103.011(1), F.A.C.
(3) The following types of grievances may be filed directly with the reviewing authority as defined in subsection 33-103.002(15), F.A.C., by-passing the informal grievance step, and may be placed in a sealed envelope:
(a) Emergency Grievance - Upon receipt, the reviewing authority as defined in paragraph 33-103.002(15), F.A.C., shall take the following action as soon as possible, but no later than two calendar days following receipt:
1. Review complaint and contact staff for additional information if necessary;
2. If an emergency is found to exist, initiate action to alleviate condition giving rise to the emergency;
3. Provide formal response to the inmate within 15 calendar days as required by paragraph 33-103.011(3)(d), F.A.C.; and
4. If an emergency is not found to exist, a response will be provided to the inmate indicating that the complaint is "not an emergency" with instructions to resubmit at the proper level, signed and dated by the responding employee, and returned to the inmate within 72 hours of receipt.
(b) Grievance of Disciplinary Action - If additional mitigating factors not presented during the disciplinary hearing are provided, a review shall be conducted and applicable modifications made, if necessary.
(c) Grievance of Reprisal.
(d) Grievances involving inmate bank issues.
(e) Medical Grievance.
(f) Grievance involving gain time governed by Rule 33-601.101, F.A.C., Incentive Gain Time.
(g) Grievance challenging placement in close management or subsequent review.
(h) Grievance alleging violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(i) Grievance regarding the return of incoming mail governed by subsection 33-210.101(14), F.A.C.
(j) Grievances alleging sexual abuse as defined in subsection 33-103.002(17), F.A.C.
1. If an inmate believes he or she is the victim of sexual abuse they should immediately report it. There are several ways that allegations of sexual abuse may be reported, filing a grievances is one of those ways. If an inmate decides to use the grievance process to report sexual abuse they must complete form DC1-303, Request for Administrative Remedy or Appeal and file within the requirements and guidelines listed below. This rule is established to meet the requirements of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of 2003. 28 CFR Part 115 .
a. The grievance should begin at the formal level at the institution unless filing pursuant to paragraph 33-103.007(6)(a), F.A.C., or subparagraph 33-103.007(6)(b) 5., F.A.C. There is no time limit on when an inmate or third party may initiate a grievance regarding allegations of sexual abuse. However, normal time limits as described in rule 33-103.011, F.A.C., will apply when the inmate receives the response to the formal grievance and elects to proceed to the next level of review. Staff shall comply with response time requirements outlined in rule 33-103.011, F.A.C.
b. Inmates filing grievances alleging sexual abuse shall not be instructed to file the grievance to the individual(s) who are the subject(s) of the complaint. Additionally grievances of this nature shall not be referred to the subject(s) of the complaint.
c. Third parties, including fellow inmates, staff members, family members, attorneys and outside advocates, shall be permitted to assist inmates in filing grievances alleging sexual abuse. Third parties are also permitted to file such grievances on behalf of inmates.
d. Third parties must use the official Form DC1-303 which can be obtained from subsection (1) of this rule. The form may also be requested from the inmate's current location or the Department's Central Office at 501 South Calhoun Street, Tallahassee FL 32399. On Form DC1-303 the third party filer shall check the box next to Third Party Grievance Alleging Sexual Abuse. Additionally when a third party files a sexual abuse grievance they must complete the information that identifies the inmate on the top of the form and place their signature and the date at the bottom of the form. When completed, a third party filer who is not an inmate, shall mail the form to the attention of the warden at the institution where the inmate is currently housed unless the grievance is filed pursuant to paragraph 33-103.007(6)(a), F.A.C. When the third party filer is an inmate, the grievance shall be submtted pursuant to subsections (8) or (9) of this rule.
e. When third parties initiate a sexual abuse grievance, the inmate will be notified by institutional staff. A staff member shall interview the inmate within 2 business days of receipt of the third party grievance alleging sexual abuse. During this interview the inmate shall elect to allow the grievance to proceed or request that the grievance be stopped by completing the top half of Form DC6-236, Inmate Request, stating whether he elects for the grievance to proceed or be stopped. The institution shall document the inmate's desire to either allow or refuse the grievance to proceed under the response section of Form DC6-236. Form DC6-236 is incorporated by reference in rule 33-103.005, F.A.C. A copy of the Inmate Request will be placed in the inmate's file. If the inmate refuses to allow the grievance to proceed on their behalf staff will also document the refusal in IGLOGS and designate the grievance as "withdrawn". IGLOGS is the Inspector General Office Log System (Database) that is utilized to store and maintain log numbers, dates, responses, dispositions and other relevant data on all inmate formal grievances and appeals.
f. If the inmate agrees to let the grievance filed by a third party proceed, staff shall log the third party grievance alleging sexual abuse and provide a receipt to the inmate. The response will be provided to the inmate. If the inmate is unsatisfied with the response to the formal grievance they may file an appeal on Form DC1-303. The third party who initiated the formal grievance cannot appeal the decision when it is rendered. Staff shall notify the third party filer of the disposition rendered on the grievance. In accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, specifics of the case shall not be divulged to the third party.
g. The Department shall claim an extension of time to respond, of up to 70 days, if the normal time period for response is insufficient to make an appropriate decision due to the need for additional investigation. The inmate shall be notified in writing of the extension and a date by which a decision will be made.
h. An inmate may file an emergency grievance if they believe they are subject to a substantial risk of imminent sexual abuse.
i. When receiving an emergency grievance from an inmate expressing belief they are subject to a substantial risk of imminent sexual abuse the institution must take immediate corrective action. Staff handling this grievance shall provide an immediate response within 48 hours and shall issue a final decision within 5 calendar days from the receipt of the grievance. The final decision will document the agency's determination whether the inmate is in substantial risk of imminent sexual abuse and the action taken in response to the emergency grievance.
(4) Inmates filing the types of grievances identified in paragraphs (3)(a), (c) and (d), above, shall clearly state their reasons for by-passing the informal grievance step and shall state at the beginning of Part A of Form DC1-303, Request for Administrative Remedy or Appeal, the subject of the grievance. Failure to do so and failure to justify filing directly shall result in the formal grievance being returned without action to the inmate with the reasons for the return specified.
(5) Upon receipt of the formal grievance, the reviewing authority as defined in subsection 33-103.002(15), F.A.C. shall cause the following to occur:
(a) The grievance and related attachments shall be examined for compliance with chapter 33-103, F.A.C.;
(b) A computer generated receipt or Part C, receipt section of the grievance, shall be completed and returned to the inmate;
(c) The subject matter of the grievance, shall be indicated on the receipt according to the classification of grievances, rule 33-103.013, F.A.C.;
(d) A formal grievance may be returned to the inmate for any one or more of the reasons stated in rule 33-103.014, F.A.C., with no further processing.
(6) Following investigation and evaluation by the reviewing authority as defined in paragraph 33-103.002(15), F.A.C., a response shall be provided to the inmate within 20 calendar days of receipt of the grievance as required by paragraph 33-103.011(3)(b), F.A.C. The degree of investigation is determined by the complexity of the issue and the content of the grievance. The response shall state whether the grievance is approved, denied, or being returned and shall also state the reasons for the approval, denial or return.
(a) The original grievance and one copy shall be returned to the inmate, with the request for interview form (informal grievance) attached. The date the grievance is returned to the inmate (the date the grievance leaves the recipient's office) shall be noted on the form. This is the date that will be used to determine whether or not the inmate has met the fifteen day time limitation in filing his or her appeal to the Office of the Secretary.
(b) The second copy shall be forwarded to the correctional sentence specialist for placement in the inmate's file.
(c) The reviewing authority as defined in subsection 33-103.002(15), F.A.C., shall retain a complete copy of the grievance on file.
(d) Other attachments are considered to be part of the grievance and shall not be returned to the inmate except in those cases where the inmate submits sufficient copies of attachments at the time the formal grievance is filed.
(7) The response to the formal grievance shall include the following statement, or one similar in content and intent if the grievance is denied: You may obtain further administrative review of your complaint by obtaining form DC1-303, Request for Administrative Remedy or Appeal, completing the form, providing attachments as required by paragraphs 33-103.007(3)(a) and (b), F.A.C., and forwarding your complaint to the Bureau of Policy Management and Inmate Appeals, 501 South Calhoun Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500.
(8) If an inmate is in a special housing unit and wants to file a grievance, he shall submit the grievance to designated staff by placing the grievance in a locked box. The designated staff person shall deliver the box to the institutional grievance coordinator who will unlock the box, remove the grievances, log the grievances, and provide the inmates with receipts.
(9) The employee responding to the formal grievance should not be the same employee who responded to the informal grievance (if one was filed) unless circumstances dictate that this cannot be avoided.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 33-103.006

Rulemaking Authority 944.09 FS. Law Implemented 944.09 FS.

New 10-12-89, Amended 1-15-92, 12-22-92, 4-10-95, 8-10-97, 12-7-97, 5-10-98, 2-17-99, Formerly 33-29.006, Amended 8-1-00, 10-11-00, 2-9-05, 10-28-07, 3-25-08, 5-27-12, 11-7-12, 11-24-13, 4-20-14, Amended by Florida Register Volume 44, Number 207, October 23, 2018 effective 11/7/2018.

New 10-12-89, Amended 1-15-92, 12-22-92, 4-10-95, 8-10-97, 12-7-97, 5-10-98, 2-17-99, Formerly 33-29.006, Amended 8-1-00, 10-11-00, 2-9-05, 10-28-07, 3-25-08, 5-27-12, 11-7-12, 11-24-13, 4-20-14, 11-7-18.