Fla. Admin. Code R. 25-22.0365

Current through Reg. 50, No. 182; September 17, 2024
Section 25-22.0365 - Expedited Dispute Resolution Process for Telecommunications Companies
(1) The purpose of this rule is to establish an expedited process for resolution of disputes between telecommunications companies ("companies").
(2) To be considered for an expedited proceeding, the companies involved in the dispute must have attempted to resolve their dispute themselves.
(3) If the companies are unable to resolve their dispute themselves, the complainant company must, prior to filing a request under subsection (5), notify Commission staff of the dispute and request that Commission staff conduct an informal meeting. The informal meeting shall be conducted within 7 days of the request for the purpose of discussing the matters in dispute, the positions of the parties, possible resolution of the dispute, any immediate effect on customers' ability to receive service, anticipated discovery needs, and case scheduling.
(4) To initiate the expedited dispute resolution process, the complainant company must file with the Commission a request for expedited proceeding, direct testimony, and exhibits, and must simultaneously serve the filing on the other company involved in the dispute. The request for expedited proceeding is in lieu of the petition required by Rule 28-106.201, F.A.C.
(5) The request for expedited proceeding must include:
(a) The name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the complainant company and its representative to be served, if different from the company;
(b) A statement of the specific issue or issues to be litigated and the complainant company's position on the issue or issues;
(c) The relief requested;
(d) A statement that the complainant company attempted to resolve the dispute informally and the dispute is not otherwise governed by dispute resolution provisions contained in the parties' relevant interconnection agreement; and
(e) An explanation of why the use of this expedited process is appropriate. The explanation of why use of the expedited process is appropriate shall include a discussion of the following:
1. The number and complexity of the issues;
2. The policy implications that resolution of the dispute is expected to have, if any;
3. The topics on which the company plans to conduct discovery, including a description of the nature and quantity of information expected to be exchanged;
4. The specific measures taken to resolve the dispute informally; and
5. Any other matter the company believes relevant to determining whether the dispute is one suited for an expedited proceeding.
(6) Any petition for intervention shall provide the information required by paragraphs (5)(a)-(c) and (e) as it applies to the intervenor.
(7) The request for expedited proceeding shall be dismissed if it does not substantially comply with the requirements of subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5), above. The first dismissal shall be without prejudice.
(8) The respondent company may file a response to the request. The response must be filed within 7 days of the filing of the request for expedited proceeding.
(a) The response shall include the name, address, telephone number, facsimile number and e-mail address of the respondent and the respondent's representative to be served, if different from the respondent.
(b) The response to the request may include any information that the company believes will help the Prehearing Officer decide whether use of the expedited dispute resolution process is appropriate. Such information includes, but is not limited to:
1. Statement of the specific issue or issues to be litigated from the respondent's perspective, and the respondent's position on the issue or issues; and
2. A discussion of the topics listed in subparagraphs (5)(b)-(e)1.-5. above.
(9) No sooner than 7 days after the filing of the request for expedited proceeding, but promptly thereafter, the Prehearing Officer will decide whether use of the expedited proceeding is appropriate. The decision will be based on the factors provided in Section 364.16(6), F.S., the materials initially filed by the complainant company and, if a response is filed, the materials included in the response.
(10) Unless otherwise provided by order of the Prehearing Officer, based on the unique circumstances of the case, the schedule for each expedited case will be as follows:
(a) Day 0 - request for expedited proceeding, direct testimony and exhibits are filed;
(b) Day 7 - deadline for filing a motion to dismiss, and a response to the request for expedited proceeding;
(c) Day 14 - deadline for filing a response to the motion to dismiss, if one is filed;
(d) Day 21 - deadline for filing petitions to intervene, and intervenor testimony and exhibits;
(e) Day 42 - deadline for the Commission staff to file testimony; and
(f) Day 56 - deadline for the respondent to file rebuttal testimony.
(11) The Prehearing Officer shall decide whether post-hearing briefs will be filed or if closing arguments will be made in lieu of post-hearing briefs. In making this decision the Prehearing Officer will consider such things as the number of parties, number of issues, complexity of issues, preferences of the parties, and the amount of testimony stipulated into the record.
(12) The Commission shall make a decision on the dispute within 120 days of the complainant company's filing of the request for expedited proceeding, direct testimony and exhibits.
(13) Responses to discovery requests shall be made within 15 days of service of the discovery requests, unless the Prehearing Officer decides otherwise based on the unique circumstances of the case.
(14) Service of all documents on the parties shall be by e-mail or hand delivery. Filing of all documents with the Commission shall be by hand delivery, overnight mail or any method of electronic filing authorized by the Commission.
(15) The applicability of this rule to the proceeding will be reassessed as factors affecting the complexity of the case, number of issues, or number of parties change during the proceeding.
(16) Once the Prehearing Officer has determined that use of an expedited proceeding is appropriate, nothing in this rule shall prevent the Prehearing Officer from making a later determination that the case is no longer appropriate for an expedited proceeding based on the number of parties, number of issues or the complexity of the issues. Nothing in this rule shall prevent the Commission from initiating an expedited proceeding on its own motion.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 25-22.0365

Rulemaking Authority 350.127(2), 364.16(6) FS. Law Implemented 364.16(6) FS.

New 8-19-04, Amended by Florida Register Volume 40, Number 117, June 17, 2014 effective 7/2/2014.

New 8-19-04, Amended 7-2-14.