Fla. Admin. Code R. 12-24.025

Current through Reg. 50, No. 124; June 25, 2024
Section 12-24.025 - Records Maintenance Requirements
(1) The Department recommends, but does not require, that taxpayers refer to the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) standards for guidance on the maintenance and storage of electronic records, including the labeling of records, the location and security of the storage environment, the creation of back-up copies, and the use of periodic testing to confirm the continued integrity of the records. The NARA standards may be found at 36 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1234, July 1, 2001 edition.
(2) The taxpayer's computer hardware or software shall accommodate the extraction and conversion of retained machine-sensible records.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 12-24.025

Rulemaking Authority 213.06(1) FS. Law Implemented 213.35 FS.

New 10-24-96, Amended 4-30-02.

New 10-24-96, Amended 4-30-02.