Fla. Admin. Code R. 1B-26.0021

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 1B-26.0021 - Microfilm Standards
(1) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide standards for microfilming public records to assure that the film, photographing methods, processing, handling and storage is in accordance with methods, procedures and specifications designed to protect and preserve such records on microfilm.
(2) Definitions. When used in this section, the following terms and definitions apply:
(a) Permanent record - Any public record that has been determined by the Division of Library and Information Services to have sufficient legal, fiscal, historical or other value to warrant its continued preservation. Each record series shall be considered on an individual basis by the Division of Library and Information Services in making this decision. See Section 119.011(12), F.S., for a definition of public records.
(b) Long-term record - Any record that has an established retention period of more than 10 years.
(c) Medium-term record - Any record that has an established retention period of up to 10 years.
(d) Original microfilm - Camera microfilm whether produced by conventional source document or Computer Output Microfilm (COM) methods, and regardless of emulsion or base.
(e) Silver original microfilm - Camera microfilm meeting the requirements of the following standards, hereby incorporated by reference and available to view at the Division of Library and Information Services located at 500 S. Bronough St., Tallahassee FL 32399:
1. ANSI/IT9.6-1991 - American National Standard for photography - photographic films - specifications for safety film OR International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 18906:2000, Imaging materials Photographic films Specifications for safety film.
2. ANSI/NAPM IT9.1-1992 - American National Standard for Imaging Media (Film) - Silver-Gelatin Type Specifications for Stability OR International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 18901:2010 - Imaging materials - Processed silver-gelatin-type back-and-white films - Specifications for stability.
3. ANSI/IT9.10-1991 - American National Standard for Imaging Media Determination of the Curl of Photographic Film OR International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 18910:2000 - Imaging materials - Photographic film and paper - Determination of curl.
4. ANSI/NAPM IT9.7-1993 - American National Standard method for determining the brittleness of photographic films and papers OR International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 18907:2013 - Imaging materials - Photographic films and papers - Wedge test for brittleness.
(f) Duplicate microfilm - Second generation negative or positive microfilm meeting the requirement standards referenced in paragraph (2)(e), above, or:
1. ANSI/IT9.5-1992 - American National Standard for Imaging Media (Film) - Ammonia-Processed Diazo Films - Specifications for Stability OR International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 18905:2002 - Imaging materials - Ammonia-processed diazo photographic film - Specifications for stability, hereby incorporated by reference and available to view at the Division of Library and Information Services.
2. ANSI/IT9.12-1991 - American National Standard for Photography Processed Vesicular Photographic Film Specifications for Stability OR International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 18912:2002 - Imaging materials - Processing vesicular photographic film - Specifications for stability, hereby incorporated by reference and available for purchase at webstore.ansi.org or www.iso.org/store.html.
(3) Standards for microfilming permanent and long-term public records:
(a) Arrangement and reproduction, general - The integrity of the original records shall be maintained by ensuring that the microfilmed copies are adequate substitutes for the original records and that they serve the purposes for which the original records were created or maintained. To ensure this:
1. The microfilm copies shall contain all significant record data shown on the originals;
2. The records on microfilm shall be arranged, identified and indexed so that an individual document or component of records can be located with reasonable facility;
3. The photographic densities on negative microfilm shall be at the lowest level commensurate with intended use. Where possible, the delta densities on negative copies shall be as follows:
a. Background densities on negative-appearing camera microfilm. Gross background densities from 0.80 to 1.50 in clear-base, negative appearing film are recommended depending on the type of original document and on the reduction. Groups 1 to 5 indicate the density range at which these documents likely can be microfilmed successfully.
(I) Group 1. High-quality, high contrast printed books, periodicals and black typing. Density of 1.3 to 1.50.
(II) Group 2. Fine line originals, black opaque pencil writing and documents with small, high-contrast printing. Density of 1.15 to 1.40.
(III) Group 3. Pencil and ink drawings, faded printing and very small printing, such as the footnotes at the bottom of a printed page. Density of 1.0 to 1.20.
(IV) Group 4. Low-contrast manuscripts and drawings; graph paper with pale, fine-colored lines; letters typed with a worn ribbon; and poorly printed, faint documents. Density of 0.80 to 1.0.
(V) Group 5. Although not a general practice, some poor-contrast documents may require a background density of 0.70 to 0.85.
b. The base-plus-fog density of unexposed, processed, clear-base film shall not exceed 0.10. When a tinted base film is used, the density will increase by 0.1 or 0.2, which must be added to the 0.10 value.
c. The ultimate density criteria are for the microfilm to be legible for its intended use, for example, reading, duplicating or printing hardcopies, and for all images in a roll to be duplicated at the same duplicator exposure.
4. Resolution requirements are dependent upon the reduction ratio being utilized. The following is the recommended minimum resolving power (line pairs per mm.) for each reduction ratio:


Resolving Power


(Lines pairs per mm.)





























(b) Roll microfilm identification and arrangement.
1. The photographic images at the beginning of each roll of microfilm shall include:
a. Information identifying the agency and organization to which the records relate,
b. The title of the records,
c. The microfilm roll number,
d. The inclusive dates, names or other data identifying the first and last records on the roll, and
e. Any indexes, registers or other finding aids for the records on the roll.
2. If the microfilm is to be used as legal evidence, appropriate certifications are required at the beginning and end of each roll and identification targets shall adhere to ANSI/AIIM MS19-1993 - American National Standard for Information and Image Management - Standard Recommended Practice - Identification of Microforms, hereby incorporated by reference and available to view at the Division of Library and Information Services.
(c) Unit microfilm arrangement - Microfilm systems employing unit microforms jackets, fiche, etc. shall be so designed that:
1. The resulting microfilm file is an accurate representation of the original records, and
2. Any indexes, registers or other finding aids essential to the operation of the system are microfilmed and located in a readily identifiable place with a collection of microfilmed records.
(d) Applicability of standards to Computer Output Microfilm - Computer Output Microfilm (COM) systems, which produce original permanent and long-term records on microfilm with no paper originals, shall be designed so that the resulting microfilm product meets applicable standards set forth in this section.
(e) Microfilm stock - Permanent and long-term records. The film used to make the original microfilm copies of permanent records shall be safety-base permanent records film specified by one of the standards set forth in paragraph (2)(e). The film used to make the original microfilm copies of long-term records shall be safety-base permanent record film specified by one of the standards set forth in paragraph (2)(e), unless a security duplicate is made in accordance with one of the standards set forth in paragraph (2)(f) and stored in accordance with paragraph (3)(i), permanent and long-term storage standards.
(f) Film processing - Film used for microphotographic copies of permanent records shall be processed so that the residual thiosulfate concentration will not exceed 0.14 micrograms per square centimeter. The test used for determining the concentration of residual thiosulfate on processed film shall be one of those specified in ANSI/NAPM IT9.17 - American National Standard for Photography - Determination of Residual Thiosulfate and Other Related Chemicals in Processed Photographic Materials - Methods Using Iodine-Amylose, Methylene Blue and Silver Sulfide - OR International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 18917:1999 - Photography - Determination of residual thiosulfate and other related chemicals in processed photographic materials - Methods using iodine-amylose, methylene blue and silver sulfide, hereby incorporated by reference and available to view at the Division of Library and Information Services.
(g) Microfilm use criteria - The following criteria shall be observed in using microfilm of permanent records:
1. Original microfilm of permanent and long-term records shall not be used for reference purposes. Negative or positive duplicates of the original negatives, such as silver, vesicular or diazo duplicates, shall be provided for reference use.
2. Adequate measures shall be taken to keep the original microfilm clean and unscratched.
(h) Standards for reels and containers - The following standards are to be observed in packaging silver original microfilm copies of permanent and long-term records. The standards shall also be applied to silver duplicate microfilm to assure maximum protection against deterioration:
1. Microfilm stored in roll form shall be wound on cores or on reels of a type specified by ANSI/AIIM MS34-1990 - American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard MS34, Standard for Information and Image Management - Dimensions for Reels Used for 16mm and 35mm Microfilm, hereby incorporated and available to view at the Division of Library and Information Services. The materials used for the cores and reels shall be non-corroding such as plastic compounds or non-ferrous metals. Steel reels shall be used only if the reels are well protected by lacquer, enamel, tinning or other corrosion-resistant finish. Plastics and lacquer that might give off reactive fumes or exudations during storage shall not be used. If plastic materials are used, they shall be free of peroxides.
2. Paper strips which have not been deacidified or rubber bands shall not be used for confining film on reels or cores. No materials are to be used that shall ignite, decompose, or develop reactive fumes and vapors.
3. Closed containers made of inert materials such as metal or plastic of proven quality shall be used. The container shall be sealed where needed to maintain prescribed humidity limits or to protect film against gases and impurities. If the temperature and humidity controls are maintained as prescribed in subparagraph (3)(i)2., below, and if there is good ventilation in the storage area, the containers need not be sealed. Open containers, such as acid-free boxes or folding cartons, may be used only if it has been determined by the manufacturer that the container material is acid free and will have no adverse effect on the film over long periods of time.
(i) Permanent and long-term storage standards - The following standards are applicable to the storage of microfilm copies of permanent and long-term records:
1. The microfilm is to be kept in a fire resistant vault or room. The storage area is not to be used as an office or working area. No flammable materials shall be stored in the storage area. For full protection against exposure to fire and associated hazards, fire resistive safes or insulated containers shall be placed within fire resistive vaults or rooms constructed in accordance with recommendations of the National Fire Protection Association standard NFPA 232-2017, hereby incorporated by reference and available to view at no cost at the Division of Library and Information Services.
2. The relative humidity and temperature of the storage vault or room shall be maintained at a constant level. Optimum levels are below 21 degrees Celsius (69.8 degrees Fahrenheit) for temperature and between 20% and 50% for humidity according to ANSI/NAPM IT9.11-1993 - American National Standard for Imaging Media - Processed Safety Photographic Films - Storage OR International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 18911:2010 - Imaging materials - Processed safety photographic films - Storage OR International Organization for Stabilization (ISO), ISO 18911:2010 - Imaging materials - Processed safety photographic films - Storage practices, hereby incorporated by reference and available to view at the Division of Library and Information Services. Rapid cycling and wide ranges of humidity or temperature shall be avoided and shall in no instance exceed plus or minus 5 percent humidity or plus or minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit temperature in a 24-hour period. Where inactivity of the film permits, protection may be increased by conditioning and sealing the film at a lower temperature. Moreover, a lower temperature can compensate for a higher humidity, but the maximum humidity shall not exceed 50%. Film stored at humidity levels below 20 percent and temperatures below 21 degrees Celsius (69.8 degrees Fahrenheit) shall be sufficiently warmed and reconditioned before using to avoid damage in handling.
3. Air conditioning shall be kept under sufficient control to meet the standards for temperature and humidity as specified in subparagraph 2., above. Dehumidifiers employing inert desiccants may be used provided the humidifier is equipped with filters capable of removing dust particles down to 0.3 micrograms per square centimeter in size and is controlled to maintain the relative humidity. Water trays or saturated chemical solutions shall not be used to increase the humidity level because there is serious danger of over-humidification.
4. Silver-gelatin microfilm shall not be stored with other types of film in the same room or in rooms connected by ventilating ducts because gases given off by the non-silver gelatin microfilm may damage or destroy the safety-film base.
(j) Microfilm inspection - A number of different representative samples of film shall be inspected at 2 year intervals. If deviation from recommended temperature and humidity has occurred, inspection shall be made at 1 year intervals. For each biennial inspection, a different lot sample shall be chosen, allowing some overlapping of inspection to note any changes in previously inspected samples. Inspection shall be in accordance with guidelines set forth in the National Bureau of Standards Handbook 96, Inspection of Processed Photographic Record Films for Aging Blemishes, hereby incorporated by reference. If such inspections indicate the presence of blemishes, such findings shall be documented, including at minimum the following information:
1. Quantity of microfilm of permanent records on hand, that is, the number of rolls, microfiche, jackets, etc.,
2. Quantity of microfilm inspected,
3. Condition of the microfilm,
4. Corrective action required.
(4) Standards for filming medium-term public records.
(a) Records with a medium-term retention period of 10 years or less - Records to be retained 10 years or less may be microfilmed in accordance with agency standards and requirements for the retention of the records, including the option of using any film, processing system, or storage containers the agency may select.
(b) Storage standards for medium-term microfilm - Temperature and humidity of medium-term storage areas shall be maintained in accordance with ANSI/NAPM IT9.11-1993 - American National Standard for Imaging Media - Processed Safety Photographic Films - Storage OR International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 18911:2010 - Imaging materials - Processed safety photographic films - Storage practices, hereby incorporated by reference and available to view at the Division of Library and Information Services. Walls and enclosures shall be so designed to prevent moisture from condensing on surfaces when exterior temperatures are below the dew point. Inspection and viewing of medium-term film may be done in the same area - separate work and storage areas need not be maintained, but good housekeeping practices shall be followed. Separate storage rooms shall be maintained for films that release acid fumes.
(c) Cost benefit analysis - Before records with a retention period of 10 years or less are committed to microfilm, the custodial agency shall prepare a cost benefit analysis to ensure that the project or system contemplated is cost-effective.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 1B-26.0021

Rulemaking Authority 257.14, 257.36(6) FS. Law Implemented 257.36(1) FS.

New 12-22-86, Amended 2-7-96, Amended by Florida Register Volume 44, Number 197, October 9, 2018 effective 10/22/2018.

New 12-22-86, Amended 2-7-96, 10-22-18.