The Final Administrative Decision relating to a corrective, adverse or summary disciplinary action will constitute the University's final determination on the matter and will be made by the Deciding Official.
In making the Final Administrative Decision, the Deciding Official will consider the Notice of Proposed Corrective Action, Notice of Proposed Adverse Action, or Notice of Summary Disciplinary Action and supporting materials, the employee's response (if any), and any report of investigation, if applicable.
The Final Administrative Decision will be issued within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the employee's response to the Notice of Proposed Corrective Action, Notice of Proposed Adverse Action or Notice of Summary Disciplinary Action.
The Deciding Official may:
The Final Administrative Decision must be in writing, dated, and signed by the Deciding Official, and will:
In addition to the information specified in § 1511.5, each Final Administrative Decision will be accompanied by:
The Notice of Proposed Corrective Action, Notice of Proposed Adverse Action or Notice of Summary Disciplinary Action will become final upon either the issuance of the Deciding Official's Final Administrative Decision, or the expiration of the fifteen (15)-day employee response period, whichever is later.
The Final Administrative Decision will be served on the employee by electronic mail and by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the employee's address of record.
A copy of the Final Administrative Decision, and all documents it incorporates, will be placed in the employee's Official Personnel File.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 8, r. 8-B1511