D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 8, r. 8-B1220
The University, from time to time, may engage the services of experts and consultants.
Expert or consultant services shall not be used when the need can be met by using University personnel.
An expert or consultant shall perform purely advisory or consultant services and shall not be engaged to perform normal operating functions.
An expert or consultant shall have appropriate qualifications and a high degree of attainment in a professional, scientific, technical, or other field.
A person employed as an expert or consultant shall be determined to be fully Qualified to perform the duties or render the services required by the position.
Payments to experts or consultants shall not exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per day, plus travel, except when a higher rate is authorized by statute or the provisions of this title.
Payments to and duties of an expert or consultant shall be defined specifically in the provisions of a negotiated services contract between the expert or consultant and the University.
Employment of an expert or consultant shall be limited to a term of one hundred thirty (130) days during the service year (twelve (12) months beginning with the date of appointment).
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 8, r. 8-B1220