Elections shall be conducted under the auspices and rules of the Public Employee Relations Board, American Arbitration Association, or other agency mutually designated by the parties. Where the rules or procedures are inconsistent with specific provisions of the rules of the PERB, the PERB rules shall take precedence and control.
If an election is required by the provisions of this chapter to determine the acceptance, rejection, or selection of a labor organization for recognition, or the decertification of existing recognition, the election shall be conducted pursuant to the procedures and requirements set forth in this section.
Election shall be by secret ballot or mail ballot, subject to the agreement of the parties, and shall be held on a date set by agreement of the parties.
All costs of conducting an election shall be borne in equal shares by the School of Law and labor organization(s) appearing on the ballot.
The notice of an impending election shall specify the date of the election, the polling places, the hours during which the polls will be open, and the form and content of the ballot; and shall list the types of positions in the appropriate bargaining unit by class of positions in the appropriate bargaining unit by class of position and title. Where mail ballots are used, appropriate information explaining use of the mail ballot and postmark deadlines shall be substituted for polling place information.
Notice of an impending election shall be given to all affected employees at least seven (7) days in advance of the date set for the election.
Each ballot shall provide for the selection of "no union" by the voters in the same way that other choices are listed on the ballot.
A labor organization shall be entitled to be placed on the election ballot upon compliance with the provisions of § 2007.
If more than one labor organization appears on the ballot, and no choice (including "no union") receives a majority of the valid votes cast in the election, a run-off election shall be held. The run-off election ballot shall contain the two (2) choices that received the highest and second highest number of votes in the initial election.
When a labor organization receives a majority of valid votes cast in an election or run-off election, the Public Employee Relations Board shall certify the labor organization as the official collective bargaining representative for the bargaining unit involved.
For an election or run-off election to be valid, not less than fifty-one percent (51%) of the employees eligible to vote in that election must have cast ballots.
An election shall be declared inconclusive if none of the choices on the ballot receives a majority of the votes cast and no challenge is filed which would affect the election results, and if any one (1) of the following situations applies:
If an election is declared inconclusive, the Public Employee Relations Board shall declare the election void and shall provide for one (1) additional election, in accordance with PERB rules.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 8, r. 8-A2009