As provided by law, the Police and Firefighters' Retirement and Relief Board shall be composed of the following members:
In addition to the Board members and alternates to the Board designated by the Mayor, in all cases of retirement, disability, or other relief involving a member of the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division or the United States Secret Service, a Board member and alternate of the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division or the United States Secret Service, as designated by the Director of the United States Secret Service, as appropriate, shall sit as a member of the Board.
The Board member appointed by the Mayor from the D.C. Department of Human Resources shall serve as the Chair of the Board, and the alternate Board member appointed by the Mayor from the D.C. Department of Human Resources shall serve as the Alternate Chair of the Board.
In the absence of the Chair and Alternate Chair(s), the Board member or alternate appointed from the Office of the Attorney General shall serve as an Acting Chair.
For any matter requiring the vote of the full Board, a quorum shall consist of any five (5) Board members or designated alternates, provided that one (1) of the five (5) present shall be the Chair, Alternate Chair, or Acting Chair.
The Board shall hold hearings and Executive Session meetings on Thursdays or on any other day as scheduled by the Board.
The Chair or the Board may --in their discretion, for good cause shown, and in the interest of justice or to prevent hardship -- waive any of the provisions of these rules in any proceeding.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 7, r. 7-2501