D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-B4099

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Rule 6-B4099 - DEFINITIONS

When used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed:

Agency - an office, department, board, commission or other entity within the District government, except any entity that possesses independent personnel authority which includes the authority to establish regulations for the authorization, payment, and reimbursement of travel expenses incurred (or requested to be incurred) by employees of that entity.

Incidental expenses - fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, bellhops, hotel maids and others. Incidental expenses do not include the cost of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, movie rentals, entertainment, or other expenses of a personal nature that are not related to the official business of the District.

Local travel - travel to a location that is less than fifty (50) miles from the John A. Wilson Building.

Lodging - a hotel, motel, inn, guest house, or other establishment that provides lodging to transient guests for overnight sleeping facilities.

Meal expenses - expenses for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and related tips and taxes. Alcoholic beverages and all entertainment expenses are specifically excluded from meal expenses.

Mileage rate - the reimbursable rate for the authorized use of an employee's personal vehicle for travel for official government business as determined by the General Services Administration (see www.gsa.gov for current rates).

Per diem allowance - a set daily payment provided to an employee, instead of actual expenses, for reimbursement for meals and related incidental expenses. A per diem allowance is separate from lodging expenses, transportation expenses, and miscellaneous expenses.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-B4099

Final Rulemaking published at 67 DCR 7860 (10/1/2020)