D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-B3110

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

A request for information under the District of Columbia Government Freedom of InformationRegulations may be made by letter or in person during business hours on a regular business day.


Each request for information under the District of Columbia Government Freedom of Information Regulations should be clearly and prominently identified by means of a legend on the first page, such as "Freedom of Information Request." In addition, if sent by mail or otherwise submitted in an envelope or other cover, the outside should be clearly and prominently marked "FOI" or "Freedom of Information."


A request under this section shall reasonably describe the information being requested, including relevant data such as name, number, date, subject, title of record, or other identifying particulars sufficient to enable the information to be located. Requests for information contained in personnel records from persons other than the individual to whom the record pertains shall be processed subject to this section.

(a) Requests for information from Official Personnel Folders and similar files should contain such information as name, date of birth, Social Security Account Number, agency where employed, and, if not presently employed, approximate dates of the most recent D.C. employment.
(b) Requests for information from investigatory files should contain name, date and place of birth, and Social Security Account Number.
(c) Requests for information concerning the results of examinations should include name, date of birth, Social Security Account Number, and identification number together with the title of the examination or the announcement number, date, and time of examination.

Time of response, service charges and other conditions of disclosure shall be those specified in the Freedom of Information Regulations.


The denial of a request (for access or disclosure) by the employee or his or her authorized representative shall be made and appealed as specified in sections 3114 through 3122 of this chapter.


Denial of a request received from a member of the public not covered by sections 3114 through 3121 of this chapter may be appealed to the Mayor, as provided in the Freedom of Information Regulations.


If the Mayor denies the request, or fails to respond within the time limits of the District of Columbia Freedom of Information Act, the person seeking the information may institute proceedings in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, as provided in that Act.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-B3110

Final Rulemaking published at 28 DCR 4288 (October 2, 1981)