D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-A800

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

The Chief of Police is the chief executive officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, and in the exercise of his or her powers and duties shall be subject to any orders, rules, and regulations as may from time to time be issued by the Mayor or Council of the District of Columbia, and he or she shall be responsible for the proper and efficient conduct, control, and discipline of the force.


The Chief of Police shall take any measures that will insure prompt and vigorous enforcement of all criminal statutes, laws, regulations, and ordinances, the enforcement of which come properly within the scope of the police function and power.


The Chief of Police shall promulgate all orders, rules and regulations of the Mayor or the Council which pertain to the work of the Metropolitan Police Department, and shall issue those instructions, and promulgate those orders, rules, and regulations, not inconsistent with law or with the overall D. C. Government policy, as he or she may deem proper in the exercise of his or her functions as chief executive of the department.


The Chief of Police shall, when necessary, immediately proceed to the scene of any riot, tumultuous assemblage, or other unusual occurrence and take command of the force and direct its efforts in the work at hand.


The Chief of Police shall expect from all members of the department unquestioned loyalty, unfailing energy, and strict obedience and shall take prompt action in vigorously prosecuting any member guilty of interfering with, or in any manner obstructing or attempting to obstruct, the orderly and efficient operation and conduct thereof.


The Chief of Police shall make a written report annually to the Mayor as to the operations of the department for the fiscal year ending September 30, and shall submit recommendations for improvements, together with estimates of the amounts necessary for its conduct and operation for the year subsequent to the date of the report. He or she shall make any other general and special reports as may be required.


Subject to applicable laws, rules, regulations, and orders of the Mayor or directives pursuant to orders of the Mayor, the Chief of Police shall have full power and authority over the department and all functions, resources, officials, and personnel assigned thereto.


The Chief of Police shall have the authority to change or modify organizational components within the department in conformance with sound principles of management and organization, and in conformance with applicable orders of the Mayor and D.C. Government policies.


The Chief of Police is authorized to change the geographical boundaries of the police patrol districts for the purpose of equalizing the workload among the various units of the Patrol Division and for the purpose of equalizing police services to various areas of the city.


The Chief of Police shall have the authority to develop, present, and justify departmental budget estimates.


The Chief of Police shall have authority to refer to a trial board for adjudication charges brought against any member of the department.


The Chief of Police shall have the authority to summarily suspend or order the suspension from duty of any member of the department for any misconduct and to handle disciplinary action in those cases where the severity of the charges does not necessitate trial board action.


The Chief of Police shall have the authority and responsibility necessary to effectively carry out the District of Columbia Government policy which requires its employees to pay all lawful claims and debts owed to the District of Columbia, Federal, State or local government and encourages employees to pay all legally incurred indebtedness to commercial establishments and individuals.


The Chief of Police shall have the authority to order and direct any instruction and training for and by the members of the force as he or she may deem necessary.


The Chief of Police shall have the authority to develop and propose any major programs and policies to the Mayor and the Council as are necessary to maintain a modem, efficient and effective police department.


The Chief of Police shall have the authority to plan and prescribe departmental policy within the limits of overall policy enunciated by the Mayor and the Council to include the coordination, direction and control of all Metropolitan Police programs, services, and operations.


The Chief of Police shall have the authority to advise and assist the Mayor and the Council on all District of Columbia matters relating to police service, responsibility and operation.


The Chief of Police shall have the authority to assign the Metropolitan Police Department Band to perform at municipal or civic functions and events.


The Chief of Police shall have the authority to approve all weapons to be used by members of the department.


The Chief of Police shall have the power to delegate authority and assign functions to officials and personnel of the department in such degree as in his or her judgment is necessary to establish and maintain efficiency and good administration.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-A800

Regulation No. 72-2, approved January 14, 1972, 18 DCR 417 (February 7, 1972)
AUTHORITY: Unless otherwise indicated, the authority for this chapter is An Act approved February 28, 1901, as amended by An Act approved June 8, 1906, 34 Stat. 222, and para. 95 of § 402 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of the D.C. Official Code, Title 1 Appendix, at 154 (1973).