D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 5, r. 5-F102

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

Each District of Columbia Public School with an interscholastic athletics program serving grades 9 to 12 shall be a member of the DCSAA.


Any secondary school located within the boundaries of the District of Columbia containing grades 9 through 12, or any grouping of some or all of such grade levels including nonpublic, private, public and public charter schools, may voluntarily become a member school of the DCSAA.


Each member school shall:

(a) Be subject to the DCSAA membership standards as set forth in this chapter and in the DCSAA Handbook;
(b) Ensure that students with disabilities consistently have appropriate opportunities to participate in extracurricular athletic activities;
(c) Provide, to the DCSAA, a copy of their fall, winter, and spring sports schedules for interscholastic competition. Schedules are due by the date designated, pursuant to the DCSAA Handbook, at the beginning of each season;
(d) Ensure that all sports and activities offered by the school are covered by an insurance policy;
(e) Ensure that students provide written authorization to participate for each team that he or she wishes to participate on, and that the authorization contains the signature of a parent, legal guardian, or adult student;
(f) Prior to the first official contest of each sport, establish and maintain a record of a student's eligibility for each school year of a student's participation on a junior varsity or varsity team for the duration of the student's enrollment in the school, unless otherwise provided for in federal or local law; and
(g) By July 1 of each year preceding the next school year, submit a membership application and declaration form, in the manner provided by DCSAA, that includes:
(1) Affirmation of membership;
(2) Agreement to comply with the Act, this chapter, and the Handbook; and
(3) Declaration of the sports in which they will compete for any District of Columbia State Championships.
(A) A school that previously withdrew from DCSAA membership in a sport and wishes to declare as a member school for that sport for the next season must comply with member school re-entry requirements as established in the DCSAA Handbook.

Each member school shall ensure all coaches, officials, and other personnel, including covered volunteers engaged with students participating in interscholastic athletic programs at a member school biannually obtain any required background check and, if appropriate for their position and role, demonstrate expertise with regard to a respective sport, applicable rules, safety, and first aid standards. Officials shall submit background clearances directly to DCSAA and coaches shall submit background clearances to their member school.


All high school coaches coaching interscholastic athletics in a DCSAA-approved sport at a DCSAA member school shall meet the coaching certification requirements set forth in the DCSAA handbook, and officiants at DCSAA-approved competitions shall meet the certification requirements set forth in the DCSAA handbook. Certifications are good for two (2) years from the date of issuance and shall be submitted to the member school.


A member school shall not exclude a student from participation in interscholastic athletics, deny the benefits of, treat differently from other students, or otherwise unlawfully discriminate against based on, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, genetic information, disability, source of income, status as a victim of an intra- family offense, or place of residence or business.


A member school shall limit a high school varsity team to eligible students enrolled in that member school in grades nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), and twelve (12), except as provided in § 106.


A member school shall limit a high school junior varsity team to eligible students enrolled in that high school in grades nine (9), ten (10), and eleven (11), except as provided in § 106.


Notwithstanding § 102.6, a member school may operate a separate sports team for members of each sex, provided that the selection for such team is based upon competitive skill or the activity involved is a contact sport, as described in the DCSAA Handbook.


Notwithstanding § 102.6, a member school may operate a sports team for members of a single sex, so long as the member school operates a sports team for an underrepresented sex when there is sufficient interest to maintain a team. In the event there is insufficient interest, the member shall allow members of the underrepresented sex to try out for existing teams and qualify based on appropriate skill level, safety, and other standards for participation on such team.


LEAs or member schools that receive federal funding and maintain athletic programs in the District shall designate at least one (1) employee for purposes of athletics to coordinate with the LEAs' or member schools Title IX ( 20 USC §§ 1681- 1688 ) coordinator, to ensure that the requirements of Title IX are met regarding athletics.


Representatives of member schools , including school administrators, coaches, players, school approved volunteers, and boosters, shall not engage in any activity seeking to influence a student to transfer from one (1) member school to another for the purpose of participating in interscholastic athletics.


It shall not constitute a violation of § 102.6 to exclude a student if the student lacks medical clearance to participate under § 104.7 if the coaches and/or trainers reasonably believe that the student's participation in the sport would be unreasonably dangerous to the student; if the exclusion is based on skill or fitness relevant to the activity rather than a disability; or if the student suffers an injury or illness precluding participation following the issuance of the medical approval specified under § 104.7. However, schools shall not preclude participation based on fear, such as when a student has asthma, allergies, diabetes, or epilepsy, if manifestation of such conditions can ordinarily be addressed successfully on the field.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 5, r. 5-F102

Final Rulemaking published at 67 DCR 2867 (3/13/2020)