D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 5, r. 5-B2507

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

Within one (1) school day of the conclusion of a disciplinary hearing, the hearing officer shall issue a written recommendation which shall include the following:

(a) A statement of the facts, as determined from the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing;
(b) A conclusion as to whether the required due process procedures have been properly followed or waived;
(c) A conclusion as to whether the student committed the infraction(s) upon which the disciplinary action is based; and
(d) A determination regarding the appropriateness of the proposed disciplinary action or an order for a modification thereof, including consideration of the factors enumerated in § 2500.8 and explicit justification for any recommended modification.

For Long-Term Suspensions, a person designated by the Chancellor shall render a final decision no later than one (1) school day after receiving the hearing officer's recommendation.


For Expulsions, the head of the Office of Youth Engagement shall render a final decision no later than one (1) school day after receiving the hearing officer's recommendation.


A copy of the written determination provided by a person designated by the Chancellor or by the head of the Office of Youth Engagement shall be given or mailed, within twenty-four (B24) hours, to the adult student, the minor student's parent or guardian, and their representatives, if any.


Additional copies of the determination by a person designated by the Chancellor or the head of the Office of Youth Engagement shall be sent, within twenty-four (B24) hours, to the principal or other school official in charge of the school or program in which the student is enrolled, and retained in the files of the student hearing office.


If the hearing officer recommends disciplinary action is not warranted, based on the fact that the student did not violate any DCPS rule or policy, the determination shall include an order to destroy all school records regarding the disciplinary action, including any reports that relate to the incident upon which the disciplinary action was proposed, insofar as those reports individually identify the student. If the hearing officer determines that disciplinary action is not warranted and either:

(a) fails to state whether a DCPS rule or policy was violated, or,
(b) states that a DCPS rule or policy was violated but nevertheless finds the disciplinary action to be unwarranted, the school may maintain documents concerning the alleged infraction until the conclusion of the school year immediately following the incident.

Long-Term Suspension may be appealed directly to the head of the Office of Youth Engagement:

(a) A parent or guardian, or adult student who wishes to appeal a Long-Term Suspension to the head of the Office of Youth Engagement must submit a written or oral request to appeal the proposed Long-Term Suspension within five (5) school days of receiving notification of the Long-Term Suspension. If the request is made orally, it shall be recorded in writing by the person receiving the request.
(b) Upon receipt of an appeal, the head of the Office of Youth Engagement shall schedule a conference with the parent or guardian, or adult student, to be held within three (3) school days of receiving the appeal request.
(c) During the conference, the parent or guardian, or adult student, may present arguments in support of his or her appeal. The student shall have a right, but shall not be required, to have a representative or legal counsel, selected by the parent or guardian or adult student. The appeal may be held by telephone upon request of the parent or guardian. The conference may be recorded by any of the parties.
(d) No more than two (B2) school days after the conclusion of the conference, the head of the Office of Youth Engagement shall render a final decision. The head of the Office of Youth Engagement shall provide the parent or guardian, or adult student, and a person designated by the Chancellor, a written summary of the conference proceedings and decision.

If the head of the Office of Youth Engagement has authorized Expulsion for violating the Gun-Free Schools Act, the parent or guardian or adult student may appeal the decision to the Chancellor pursuant to the process outlined in § 2507.9. The decision of the Chancellor shall be final and shall be provided in writing to the parent or guardian, or adult student, person designated by the Chancellor, and the principal of the school from which the student was expelled.


Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section, a person designated by the Chancellor may, at his or her discretion, initiate Expulsion action without the recommendation of a principal or designee.


An Expulsion may be appealed directly to the Chancellor.

(a) A parent or guardian, or adult student who wishes to appeal an Expulsion directly to the Chancellor must submit a written or oral request to appeal the proposal within five (5) school days of receiving notification of the Expulsion. If the request is made orally, it shall be recorded in writing by the person receiving the request.
(b) Upon receipt of an appeal, the Chancellor or his/her designee shall schedule a conference with the parent or guardian, or adult student, to be held within three (3) school days of receiving the appeal request.
(c) During the conference, the parent or guardian, or adult student, may present arguments in support of his or her appeal. The student shall have a right, but shall not be required, to have a representative or legal counsel, selected by the parent or guardian or adult student. The appeal may be held by telephone upon request of the parent or guardian. The conference may be recorded by any of the parties.
(d) No more than two (B2) school days after the conclusion of the conference, the Chancellor shall render a final decision. The Chancellor shall provide the parent or guardian, or adult student, a person designated by the Chancellor, and the head of the Office of Youth Engagement a written summary of the conference proceedings and his or her final decision.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 5, r. 5-B2507