D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 3, r. 3-603
Except as provided in this section, a candidate shall withdraw his or her candidacy by executing and filing with the Board a notarized affidavit which states that the candidate irrevocably withdraws the candidacy for the office to which he or she has been nominated or is seeking nomination. The withdrawal shall be irrevocable only for the office sought and for the election at issue.
Notwithstanding the requirements set forth in Subsection 603.1 of this section, a candidate may effect withdrawal by emailing to the Board a non-notarized affidavit which states that the candidate irrevocably withdraws the candidacy for the office to which he or she has been nominated or is seeking nomination, provided that the email is sent from the email address provided by the candidate in his or her Declaration of Candidacy filed in accordance with Subsection 601 of this section.
In the case of a presidential candidate who publically withdraws during a primary election and no affidavit of withdrawal is received from the candidates for delegate in support of that presidential candidate, the Board may remove the names of such candidates from the ballot.
The Executive Director or his or her designee shall provide public notice of all withdrawals.
The affidavit of withdrawal shall be filed with the Board no later than 5 p.m. on the 54th day before Election Day. If a candidate withdraws after the 54th day before Election Day, his or her name may still appear on the official ballot or separate handout (in the case of a presidential preference primary, pursuant to party rule). In this case, notice of the candidate's withdrawal shall also be posted in vote centers.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 3, r. 3-603