The provisions of this chapter governing conditions of participation for providers of Mobile Community Outreach Treatment Team services shall be in support and furtherance of the following goals:
An entity seeking to participate as an MCOTT provider in the District of Columbia under the Medicaid Program shall be certified in compliance with all requirements set forth in this chapter.
Certification of Providers is the responsibility of the District's Department of Health, Medical Assistance Administration.
To obtain certification, each Provider shall meet the requirements set forth in this chapter.
Each Provider shall meet all applicable Medicaid and Medicare regulations.
CMHS may participate as an MCOTT provider under these rules by satisfying the requirements for being an Organized Health Delivery System as defined in 42 CFR 447.10(b) and entering into an interagency agreement with MAA to provide MCOTT services. As an MCOTT Provider, CMHS may both directly provide MCOTT services and contract with other entities for the provision of MCOTT services.
A Provider may establish and administer more than one program to provide the comprehensive array of services described in these rules. In such circumstances, however, each MCOTT Program shall independently meet the MCOTT Program Standards set forth in this chapter.
No Program shall have more than 100 MCOTT clients at any given time.
Each Provider shall enter into an agreement between MAA and the Provider which shall specify the services to be provided, methods of operation, a program statement, financial and legal requirements which shall be met, and identification of the population to be served. In the event the Commission for Mental Health Services, District of Columbia Department of Human Services, is a Provider of MCOTT services, the D.C. Medicaid/MCOTT Provider Agreement shall include the Interagency Agreement between MAA and CMHS for MCOTT which shall specify the terms and conditions for CMHS being an MCOTT Provider.
Each Provider shall meet and adhere to the terms and conditions included in the Medicaid/MCOTT Provider Agreement.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-4600