D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-356
Each Child Development Home shall comply with the health and sanitation requirements as set out in sections 370 and 371 of this Chapter, concerning "Handling Diapers, Training Pants and Toys" and "Hand Washing Practices".
The Facility shall maintain at all times, in a designated location that is readily available to staff and out of reach of children, an adequate quantity of first aid supplies for the number of children enrolled in the Facility.
The Facility shall ensure that no person, including the Caregiver, staff, residents, and visitors to the home, smokes or uses tobacco products within the program space when one or more children is in the care of the Facility.
The Facility shall ensure that all tobacco products that may be present in the Facility remain out of the reach of enrolled children at all times.
When children are in the care of the Facility, either on the premises or off-site, no Caregiver or other staff member shall be under the influence of, or consume, alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs.
Each Child Development Home shall comply with the infant sleep position requirements (precautions against Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) as set out in section 376 of this Chapter.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-356