D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-11119

Current through Register Vol. 71, No. 36, September 6, 2024

DDS shall implement all safeguards described in this section to prevent premature depletion of My Life, My Way program participants' PDS budgets and address potential service delivery issues associated with budget underutilization.


The Financial Services Division of the VF/EA FMS-Support Broker entity shall prepare and issue a monthly PDS budget report to managers, and DDS. The monthly PDS budget report shall include the following elements:

(a) The participant's monthly PDS budget amount, services used, and expenses incurred for both the current month and the year to date; and
(b) The remaining balance of the participant's PDS budget amount.

Support brokers shall review the monthly PDS budget report with participant/representative-employers during their monthly phone contact.


The Financial Management Services Division of the VF/EA FMS-Support Broker entity shall monitor PDS utilization and provide written notice to the participant/representative-employer, the support broker, the Service Coordinator, and DDS of any over- or under-utilization of PDS.


If the Financial Management Services Division of the VF/EA FMS-Support Broker entity discovers over-utilization of PDS, the participant/representative-employer shall be referred to the Remediation, Training and Termination Protocol in accordance with § 11118.2.


If the Financial Management Services Division of the VF/EA FMS-Support Broker entity discovers under-utilization of PDS, the support broker shall address the issue with the participant/representative-employer and develop a corrective action plan as necessary to remedy the issue.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-11119

Final Rulemaking published at 70 DCR 8909 (6/23/2023)