D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-114
The Rehabilitation Services Administration shall use comparable services and benefits as defined in subsection 199 of this chapter, in providing vocational rehabilitation services.
Prior to providing any vocational rehabilitation services, except those services listed in subsection 114.3 of this section, to an eligible person, or to members of the person's family, the Rehabilitation Services Administration shall determine whether comparable services and benefits, as defined in section 199, exist under any other program and whether those services and benefits are available to the person unless such a determination would interrupt or delay:
The following vocational rehabilitation services described in section 113 are exempt from a determination of the availability of comparable services and benefits under subsection 114.2 of this section:
If comparable services or benefits exist under any other program and are available to the person at the time needed to ensure the progress of the person toward achieving the employment outcome in the person's Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), the Rehabilitation Services Administration shall use those comparable services or benefits to meet, in whole or part, the costs of the vocational rehabilitation services.
If comparable services or benefits exist under any other program, but are not available to the person at the time needed to ensure the progress of the person toward achieving the employment outcome specified in the IPE, the Rehabilitation Services Administration shall provide the appropriate vocational rehabilitation services only until those comparable services and benefits become available.
The applicant or recipient of services shall be responsible for cooperating with the Rehabilitation Services Administration in seeking and promptly applying for comparable services and benefits.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-114