In order to achieve maximum uniformity in the definition and application of reasonable underwriting standards, the Board of Directors shall specify criteria that are contained in the Rules of the Plan of Operation, which shall be used by the Facility in determining insurability.
A risk shall not be declined for reason of neighborhood or area location or Environmental Hazard beyond the control of the Property Owner.
The Facility shall advise the licensed insurance producer or applicant that:
If the inspection of the property reveals that there are one or more substandard conditions, condition charges may be imposed in conformity with the substandard rating plan approved by the Commissioner. Whenever improvements are specified, they shall be set forth in such a way that the applicant will know what must be done to achieve insurability at standard rates:
In the event a risk is declined because it fails to meet reasonable underwriting standards, or if the applicant is notified that coverage will be written if stated improvements are made, the Facility shall send copies of the Inspection Report and the Report of Declination to the Property Owner along with an explanation of the Facility's action and the procedures for appealing that action.
Forms listing all condition charges applied by the Facility will be furnished with the Approval Notice.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 26, r. 26-A1312