D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24, r. 24-720

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

For purposes of this section, the term "Special Event" means any activity in public or private space and not held in any building or structure, such as circuses, rodeos, carnivals, fairs, performances, musical concerts, community activities, dancing, or amusements of any kind.


No person shall be permitted to hold a Special Event without first obtaining a permit in writing from the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs.


The following fees shall be charged for the issuance of a Special Event permit:

(a) Fees of the Department of Health, Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Administration (DOH/HEPRA), or its successor:
(1) Advanced medical aid station:
(A) Two (2) nurses, each at the cost of seventy dollars ($70.00) per hour;
(B) One (1) emergency operations staff member at the cost of fifty dollars ($50.00) per hour; and
(C) Medical supplies and equipment at the cost of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per station.
(D) Based on the fees established by sub-subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of this subparagraph, the total cost for each station shall be six hundred and ninety dollars ($690.00) for the first hour and one hundred ninety dollars ($190.00) for each additional hour.
(2) Basic medical aid station:
(A) One (1) nurse at the cost of seventy dollars ($70.00) for each additional hour.
(B) One (1) emergency operations staff member at the cost of fifty dollars ($50.00) per hour; and
(C) Medical supplies and equipment at the cost of three hundred dollars ($300.00) per station.
(D) Based on the fees established by sub-subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of this subparagraph, the total cost of each station shall be four hundred twenty dollars ($420.00) for the first hour and one hundred twenty dollars ($120.00) for each additional hour.
(3) Emergency operations supervisor: In addition to the above fees, if the Special Event presents a significant risk of overwhelming the District of Columbia's emergency medical services and care system, an emergency operations supervisor from DOH/HEPRA, or its successor agency, will be required at the cost sixty dollars ($60.00) per hour.
(4) Command vehicle station: In addition to the above fees, if the number of participants at the Special Event is expected to equal or exceed five thousand (5,000) and the event presents a significant risk of overwhelming the District of Columbia's emergency medical services and care system, a command vehicle station from DOH/HEPRA, or its successor agency, will be required at the following costs:
(A) One (1) emergency operations staff member at the cost of fifty dollars ($50.00) per hour; and
(B) One (1) command vehicle at the cost of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per event.
(C) Based on the fees established by the sub-subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this subparagraph, the total cost for each command vehicle station shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for the first hour and fifty dollars ($50.00) for each additional hour.
(b) Fees of the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department:
(1) Over-the-counter permit fee-shall be charged in the amounts set forth in section F-107H (Permits) of Title 12H of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations.
(2) On-site permit fee-to cover the time required to perform an inspection of the site and/or the activities or equipment in use during the event that are inspected. Rate per employee per hour: eight-eight dollars ($88.00).
(3) On-site monitoring fee - to monitor the special event to ensure the safety of the public. Rate per employee per hour: sixty-five dollars ($65.00).
(c) Fees of the Department of Public Works:
(1) Flag installation and removal - to cover the costs of installation and removal of flags from city streetlight poles for special events. Rate per employee per hour: fifty-seven dollars ($57.00).
(2) Temporary sign installation - to cover the cost of installing temporary no parking signs. Rate per employee per hour: thirty-six dollars ($36.00).
(3) Clean-up and trash removal - to cover the cost of space cleaning and trash removal. Rate per employee per hour: thirty-two dollars ($32.00).
(d) Fees of the Metropolitan Police Department:
(1) Special Events Fee - to cover the cost of police services for special events.
(A) The rate per hour per Metropolitan Police Officer assigned is $60.58.
(B) As of January 1, 2015, the rate per hour per Metropolitan Police Officer assigned shall be $65.45, and that rate shall increase by three percent (3%) on October 1 of each fiscal year.
(2) The use of any type of Metropolitan Police Department vehicle requested pursuant to this chapter will result in additional cost, which will depend on the type and number of vehicles and the length of time they are assigned.
(e) Fees of the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs:
(1) Special Events Fee - to cover the cost of services provided by the following categories of Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs employees for monitoring health and food practices, safety conditions, and alcoholic beverage control at special events: sanitarians, building inspectors, electrical inspector, plumbing inspectors, and licensing investigators. Rate per employee per hour: fifty-four dollars and thirty-five cents ($54.35).
(f) Fees of the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration:
(1) Special Events Fee - to cover the cost of services provided by Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration investigators for monitoring the control, sale, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages at special events. Rate per employee per hour: fifty-four dollars and thirty-five cents ($54.35).

Individual arrangements may be made for trash collection by community groups; provided, that those arrangements are approved by the Director of the Department of Public Works.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24, r. 24-720

Final Rulemaking published at 43 DCR 6577 (December 13, 1996); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 49 DCR 11562 (December 20, 2002); as amended by Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Support Act of 2010, effective September 24, 2010 (D.C. Law 18-223; 57 DCR 6242, 6267 (July 23, 2010)); Amended by Final Rulemaking published at 62 DCR 2776 (3/6/2015).
Authority: The Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Support Act of 2010, effective September 24, 2010 (D.C. Law 18-223; 57 DCR 6242 , 6267 (July 23, 2010)).