D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24, r. 24-2707

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Rule 24-2707 - FILES AND RECORDS

The Chief of Police or designee shall evaluate information to be retained in an Intelligence Section file for the reliability of the source of the information and the validity and accuracy of the content of the information prior to filing. The file shall state whether the reliability, validity, and accuracy of the information have been corroborated. The Chief of Police or designee shall purge records that are not accurate, reliable, relevant, and timely.


MPD shall not collect or maintain information about the political, religious, social, or personal views, associations, or activities of any individual, group, or organization unless such information is material to an authorized investigation or preliminary inquiry involving First Amendment activities.


No information shall be knowingly included in an Intelligence Section file that has been obtained in violation of any applicable federal, state, or local law, ordinance, or regulation. The Chief of Police, or designee, shall be responsible for establishing that no information is entered in Intelligence Section files in violation of this subsection.


MPD may disseminate information obtained during preliminary inquiries and investigations conducted pursuant to these rules to federal, state or local law enforcement agencies, or local criminal justice agencies when such information:

(a) falls within the investigative or protective jurisdiction or litigation-related responsibility of the receiving agency;
(b) may assist in preventing any criminal act or the use of violence, or any other conduct dangerous to human life; or
(c) is required to be disseminated by interagency agreement, statute, or other law.

All requests for dissemination of information from an Intelligence Section file shall be evaluated and approved by the Chief of Police or designee. All dissemination of information shall be done by written transmittal or recorded on a form that describes the documents or information transmitted, and a record of the dissemination shall be maintained for a minimum of 5 years.


Intelligence Section file information shall not be disseminated to any non-law enforcement agency, department, group, organization or individual, except as authorized by law.


All documentation required under these rules shall be maintained by the Intelligence Section, Intelligence Fusion Division in accordance with general police department practice and applicable record retention and destruction rules, regulations and procedures.


Any information pertaining to people found to be not associated with the criminal activity will be destroyed.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24, r. 24-2707

Final Rulemaking Published at 55 DCR 1091 (February 1, 2008); as amended by Errata Published at 55 DCR 3271 (March 28, 2008)