D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24, r. 24-1109
All vaults shall be set back at least ten feet (10') from the curb, and, where two (2) rows of trees are proposed or required, the first level of the building vaults shall be set back at least thirty feet (30') from the curb.
Where the existing building vault is within ten feet (10') of the curb (or within thirty feet (30') of the curb where two (2) rows of trees are required or proposed), the applicant shall be required to abandon and backfill the existing vault with a suitable material solely to the extent necessary for the planting of the trees required by Section 1106.
Utility vaults shall not be within eight feet (8') of a tree location. Utility vaults shall conform to the applicable District of Columbia laws, rules, and regulations.
PEPCO equipment serving new construction or substantial rehabilitation shall be located in vaults or on pads on private property; except the Director may approve a different location for a utility vault, pad, or manhole when the following conditions are satisfied:
Plans submitted for Committee review shall show the depth of cover over building vault projections into public space. There shall be one foot (1') of soil fill between the top of the vault and the bottom of the sidewalk.
Only existing grate covers on Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority utility vaults shall be allowed in public space between the sidewalk and the property line.
Utility vault covers shall be constructed to allow the standard paving material at grade.
When feasible and practical, existing vaults shall conform to the standards set forth in this subsection.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 24, r. 24-1109