Medical marijuana shall only be grown, cultivated, stored, weighed, displayed, packaged, sold, possessed for sale, or tested only in a limited access area under the control of the cultivation center, dispensary, or testing laboratory. A cultivation center, dispensary, or testing laboratory shall permit only those persons registered with the Board to enter the limited access area.
A limited access area, including all areas of ingress and egress, shall be designated by the cultivation center, dispensary, or testing laboratory on its application. The limited access area shall be either a building, room, or other contiguous area upon the registered premises.
A cultivation center, dispensary, or testing laboratory shall post a sign provided by the Board at all areas of ingress and egress identifying the limited access area.
Persons registered by the Board shall wear their registration identification issued by the Board at all times while working or entering the limited access area.
It shall be a violation of this title for a registered or non-registered person to be located within a limited access area unless the person's registration identification is visibly displayed.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-C5619