D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B9909

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Rule 22-B9909 - PERSONNEL

Each home support agency shall have written personnel policies that shall be available to each staff member and shall include the following:

(a) The terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to wage scales, hours of work, personal and medical leave, insurance, and benefits;
(b) Provisions for an annual evaluation of each employee's performance by appropriate supervisors;
(c) Provisions pertaining to probationary periods, promotions, disciplinary actions, termination and grievance procedures;
(d) A position description for each category of employee; and
(e) Provisions for orientation, periodic training or continuing education, and periodic competency evaluation.

Each home support agency shall maintain accurate personnel records, which shall include the following information for each employee :

(a) Name, address and social security number;
(b) Current professional license, registration, or certification, if any;
(c) Resume of education, training certificates, skills checklist, and prior employment, and evidence of attendance at orientation and in-service training, workshops or seminars;
(d) Documentation of current CPR certification, if required;
(e) Health certification as required by Subsection 9909.7 of this chapter;
(f) Verification of previous employment;
(g) Documentation of reference checks;
(h) Copies of completed annual evaluations;
(i) Documentation of any required criminal background check;
(j) Documentation of all personnel actions;
(k) A position description signed by the employee;
(l) Results of any competency testing;
(m) Documentation of acceptance or declination of the Hepatitis Vaccine; and
(n) Documentation of insurance, if applicable.

Each home support agency shall comply with the Health-Care Facility Unlicensed Personnel Criminal Background Check Act of 1998, effective April 20, 1999 (D.C. Law 12-238; D.C. Official Code §§ 44-551et seq.), for its employees who are not licensed, certified or registered in accordance with the District of Columbia Health Occupations Revision Act of 1985, effective March 25, 1986 (D.C. Law 6-99; D.C. Official Code §§ 3-1201.01et seq.) ("HORA"), and shall ensure that employees who are licensed, registered, or certified in accordance with the HORA are in compliance with the criminal background check requirements of D.C. Official Code § 3-1205.22.


Each home support agency shall maintain its personnel records for all personnel serving clients within the District of Columbia in its operating office in paper form or have these records immediately available electronically.


Each employee shall have a right to review his or her personnel records.


At the time of initial employment, the home support agency shall verify that the employee, within the six months immediately preceding the date of hire, has been screened for and is free of all communicable diseases.


Each employee shall be screened for communicable diseases according to the guidelines issued by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and shall be certified free of communicable diseases.


No employee may provide personal care services, and no home support agency may knowingly permit an employee to provide personal care services, if an employee:

(a) Is under the influence of alcohol, any mind-altering drug or combination thereof; or
(b) Has a communicable disease which poses a confirmed health risk to clients.

Each employee who is required to be licensed, certified or registered to provide services in the District of Columbia shall be licensed, certified or registered under the laws and rules of the District of Columbia.


Each home support agency shall document the professional qualifications of each employee to ensure that the applicable licenses, certifications, accreditations or registrations are valid.


Each home support agency shall ensure that each employee presents a valid home support agency identification prior to entering the home of a client.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B9909

Amended by Final Rulemaking published at 67 DCR 9476 (8/7/2020)