D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B8501

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

The following policies are applicable:

(a) As set forth in the employment-at-will policy of this manual, employment-at-will means that an employee remains free to leave their employment at the PBC at any time for any reason. Similarly, the PBC shall have the absolute authority to terminate an individual's employment at any time, without prior notice, and with or without cause. Nothing in this manual constitutes a promise or guarantee as to the duration of anyone's employment with the PBC or the terms and conditions of employment. Regardless of what the manual states, there is no promise or guarantee that employees shall be terminated only for reasons listed in this manual. In addition, the PBC may change the terms and conditions at any time, without prior notice, and with or without cause;
(b) The PBC expects employees to maintain high standards of conduct that are necessary to ensure the well being of patients and to protect the rights and safety of all employees and other visitors that are part of the PBC community. Common sense, good judgement, and appropriate personal behavior are the essential responsibility of every employee;
(c) Employees shall follow all PBC rules, regulations, and procedures; and
(d) The following are examples that shall not limit the PBC's right to take corrective action, discipline, or discharge employees in any way, but is solely intended to provide guidance to managers on the type of conduct for which they should discipline employees in the best interest of the PBC:
(1) Falsification of PBC documents;
(2) Failing to record one's own time record, recording another employee's time record, or permitting another employee to record one's own time record;
(3) Unauthorized possession, disclosure, or other use of PBC financial or other confidential documents or information;
(4) Unauthorized absence from work or assigned work area;
(5) Excessive absenteeism or lateness;
(6) Failure to satisfactorily perform appropriate duties and/or assignments;
(7) Insubordination or refusal to accept a job assignment;
(8) Failure to render service to a patient;
(9) Inconsiderate or abusive treatment of patients, visitors, or other employees, or performing negligent acts adversely affecting a patient's, visitor's, or other employee's welfare;
(10) Use of threatening, intimidating, obscene, or abusive acts or language, or other disorderly conduct towards patients, visitors, or other employees;
(11) Fighting, horseplay, or other physical confrontation towards patients, visitors, or other employees;
(12) Sleeping while on duty;
(13) Unauthorized possession, sale, or use of narcotics, alcohol, or other intoxicants on PBC premises, or reporting to work under the influence of such substances;
(14) Unauthorized solicitation of any kind, or accepting gifts, gratuities, or tips from patients or visitors;
(15) Destruction or misuse of equipment, facilities, or property belonging to the PBC, visitors, or other employees;
(16) Theft or misappropriation of assets, equipment, other property or resources belonging to the PBC, patients, visitors, and other employees;
(17) Possession of a weapon on PBC premises;
(18) Gambling on PBC premises;
(19) Smoking in unauthorized areas;
(20) Sexual or other harassment of patients, visitors, or other employees;
(21) Disregard for appearance, personal hygiene, or departmental dress code;
(22) Illegal or immoral conduct on or off duty; and
(23) Conduct detrimental to patient care or PBC operations.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B8501

Final Rulemaking published at 45 DCR 7353, 7385 (October 9, 1998)