D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B699

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Rule 22-B699 - DEFINITIONS

When used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed:

Administer-the direct application of medication to the human body whether by ingestion, inhalation, subcutaneous and intramuscular injection, or topical means.

Agent-a person not directly employed by the school who serves the student population of the school in some capacity, including a contractor of the school or a volunteer at the school.

Consent - informed consent, to give information, to make known, or to impart knowledge of a fact or circumstance of treatment or procedure.

Emancipated minor - a minor who is or has been married; or who is serving or has served in the armed forces; or who is employed and contributing more than half of his or her own support if residing with his or her parents; or who is residing apart from his or her parents and managing his or her own affairs; or who is making the major decisions affecting his or her own life.

Emergency circumstances-reasonably apparent circumstances that indicate that a delay in treatment would endanger the health or life of a student.

Employee-a person employed by the school to serve the student population of the school including, but not limited to, a teacher, maintenance staff person, or coach.

Foster family home - a family home maintained by an individual or individuals in which a child or children under fifteen (15) years of age is or are received for part or full-time board or care; Provided, that the child or children is or are not within the fourth (4th) degree related by blood or marriage to, nor adopted by, the individual or individuals, nor for whom the individual or individuals is or are the duly appointed guardian or guardians.

General supervision-the availability of a registered nurse or licensed practitioner to a school employee or agent for consultation in person or by electronic communication.

Health professional - state licensed physician, psychologist, dentist, osteopathic physician, nurse, and other licensed practitioner.

Health services - health services specified by the state, appropriately delivered by different health professions including examination, preventive and curative treatment, operation, hospitalization (admission or discharge), giving or receiving blood and blood derivatives, receiving organ transplantation, pledging donation of organs after death, the use of anesthetics, and receiving contraceptive advice and devices.

Licensed nurse-a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse.

Licensed practitioner-a licensed physician, or advanced practice registered nurse.

Medication-a prescription or non-prescription drug used to treat conditions and illnesses.

Medication action plan-a written medical treatment plan for an individual student signed by a licensed health care provider.

Minor - any person under the age of majority as defined by the District statute or under eighteen (18) years of age, whichever is lower.

Parent - either natural parent or legal guardian.

Prescription-a written order for a drug, medicinal chemical, or combination or mixture thereof, or for a medical device signed by a licensed health professional, or an order given orally by a licensed health professional to a pharmacist and immediately reduced to writing by the pharmacist specifying the address of the person for whom the drug or device is ordered and directions for use.

Responsible person-a student eighteen (18) years of age or older or theparent or legal guardian of a minor student.

School-a public school, public charter school, parochial school, or private school.

Sharp-a syringe, lancet, or other medical device intended to break the surface of the skin for the delivery of medication or for testing of blood or bodily fluids.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-B699

Regulation No. 74-22 (August 30, 1974), 21 DCR 477 (September 16, 1974), 6H DCRR § 1 (1982); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 59 DCR 13687 (November 30, 2012)
Authority: Section 13 of the Student Access to Treatment Act of 2007 (Act), effective February 2, 2008 (D.C. Law 17-107; D.C. Official Code §§ 38-651.12 (2012 Supp.)) and Mayor's Order 2008-85, dated June 11, 2008.