D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-A3704

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

Both Mental Health and SUD Supported Employment providers shall deliver the following services to Supported Employment consumers/clients:

(a) Vocational Supported Employment services:
(1) Intake, which involves obtaining background, clinical, and employment information in order to enroll the consumer in to Mental Health Supported Employment services or the client into SUD Supported Employment services and initiate a referral to RSA;
(2) Vocational Assessment, which consists of conducting vocational assessments and assessment of person-centered employment information, in order to identify the consumer's/client's employment interests, preferences, and abilities;
(3) Individualized Work Plan (IWP) Development, which includes the process of developing an IWP plan with the consumer/client, and which meets the following standards:
(A) The consumer's/client's preferences, not provider expectations or decisions, drive the consumer's/client's employment and career planning process;
(B) The IWP includes an employment goal and the support services required to reach the goal, such as:
(i) Integrating employment goals into the consumer's MHRSperson-centered Plan of Care or client's SUD person-centered Plan of Care;
(ii) Strategies to address stress or situations;
(iii) Assistance with symptom self- monitoring and self-management; and
(iv) Assistance in increasing social support skills and networks that ameliorate life stresses resulting from the consumer's mental illness or client's SUD and which are necessary to enable and maintain the consumer's/client's independent living;
(C) The IWP shall be updated annually or any time there is a significant change in the consumer's/client's condition or situation that affects progress toward the IWP's goals; and
(D) The IWP shall be completed and signed by the consumer/client within thirty (30) calendar days of the delivery of the first Supported Employment service.
(4) Disclosure Counseling, which helps the consumer/client examine and understand the advantages and disadvantages of disclosing one's mental illness or SUD to their employer;
(5) Treatment Team Coordination, which involves coordination and contact with the treatment team members of the consumer's CSA or the client's outpatient Level Opioid Treatment Program (OTP), Level 1, Level 2.1, or Level 2.5 provider regarding the provision of Supported Employment services;
(6) Job Development, which involves contacting employers through various activities in order to obtain community-based employment for consumers/clients;
(7) Job Coaching, which helps consumers/clients learn job duties once employed through on-the-job training, effective use of community resources, and consultation with the worker's employer, co-workers, family, or supervisors as necessary; and
(8) Vocational Follow-Along Supports, which are provided to the consumer/client or employer to help the consumer/client maintain employment including through review of job performance and problem-solving; and
(b) Therapeutic Supported Employment services:
(1) Therapeutic Follow-Along Supports, which are interventions related to addressing behavioral health symptoms, and which include: crisis intervention, symptom management, behavior management, and coping skills needed to improve the consumer's/client's ability to maintain employment; and
(2) Benefits Counseling, which helps consumers/clients to examine and understand how employment may impact benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), medical assistance, and other disability-related benefits, and which may also involve advocacy on behalf of the person to resolve issues.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22, r. 22-A3704

Notice of Final Rulemaking published at 58 DCR 10330, 10334 (December 9, 2011); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 67 DCR 10775 (9/4/2020)
Authority: The Director of the Department of Mental Health (Department), pursuant to the authority set forth in sections 104 and 105 of the Department of Mental Health Establishment Amendment Act of 2001, effective December 18, 2001 (D.C. Law 14-56; D.C. Official Code §§ 7-1131.04 and 7-1131.05 (2008 Repl.)).