The provisions in this section and Sections 565 through570 provide the eligibility criteria, payment guidance, and appeal procedures for the Clean Rivers Impervious Surface Area Charge (CRIAC) Relief Program for Nonprofit Organizations (CRIAC Nonprofit Relief Program).
The purpose of the CRIAC Nonprofit Relief Program is to assist non profit organizations in the District with payment of the DC Water CRIAC on eligible properties. The CRIAC is billed monthly for individual properties, defined by the unique Square, Suffix, and Lot, and calculated based on the number of equivalent residential units (ERUs), on certain properties.
Benefits will only be granted for the portion of a nonprofit's property that meets the requirements of § 565.1 and 565.2, hereinafter referred to as "eligible ERU" or "eligible impervious area" in this chapter.
Benefits granted to a nonprofit organization by the CRIAC Nonprofit Relief Program may not exceed the amount of the CRIAC on the nonprofit organization's water and sewer bill, when combined with any DC Water Clean Rivers Impervious Surface Area Charge Incentive Discount.
Benefits granted through the CRIAC Nonprofit Relief Program shall be applied as a credit on the water and sewer bill, provided that:
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 21, r. 21-564