D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 21, r. 21-4103

Current through Register Vol. 71, No. 37, September 13, 2024
Rule 21-4103 - [Effective until 10/1/2024] FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE FEE

Effective October 1, 2021, the District of Columbia shall be charged the Fire Protection Service Fee of Eleven Million Five Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Dollars ($11,535,000) each fiscal year for fire protection service, including, but not limited to the delivery of water flows for firefighting as well as maintaining and upgrading public fire hydrants in the District of Columbia, plus the cost of fire hydrant inspections performed by the DC Fire and Emergency Medical Services.


The fee may be examined every three years to determine if the fee is sufficient to recoup the actual costs for providing this service.


In the event the actual costs are not being recouped, the District of Columbia shall pay the difference and the fee will be appropriately adjusted pursuant to the rulemaking process.


In the event the costs paid by the District of Columbia exceed DC Water's actual costs, the fee shall be adjusted pursuant to the rulemaking process.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 21, r. 21-4103

Final Rulemaking published at 47 DCR 320 (January 21, 2000); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 57 DCR 3112 (April 9, 2010); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 59 DCR 8820, 8823 (July 27, 2012); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 62 DCR 9805 (7/17/2015); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 68 DCR 6988 (7/16/2021)
Authority: Section 216 of the Water and Sewer Authority Establishment and Department of Public Works Reorganization Act of 1996, effective April 18, 1996 (D.C. Law 11-111, §§ 203(3), (11) and 216; D.C. Code §§ 34-2202.03(3), (11) and 34-2202.16, Section 6(a) of the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1206; D.C. Code § 2-505(a) )