When a release, or leak into the interstitial area of a secondarily contained system, is suspected, a responsible party shall conduct tightness testing in accordance with §§ 5902.7, 6004.8, and 6007 to determine whether:
If the tightness test confirms a leak into the interstitial area or a release, the responsible party shall repair, replace, upgrade, or close the UST system, and begin corrective action in accordance with this chapter.
The responsible party may use the UST system to store regulated substances before completing corrective action only if the source and cause of the leak or release has been identified and remedied.
A responsible party shall also conduct a site investigation, as set forth in §§ 6203.5 through 6203.7, if:
When conducting a site investigation, the responsible party shall test for the presence of a release where contamination is most likely to be present at the UST site.
In selecting the sample types, sample locations, and measurement methods for a site investigation, the responsible party shall consider the nature of the stored substance, the type of initial alarm or cause for suspicion, the type of backfill, the depth of groundwater, the presence of a basement sump pump, and other factors appropriate for identifying the presence of a released substance and the source of the release. The responsible party shall comply with any Department directives, available on the Department's website at https://doee.dc.gov/page/ust- forms-guidance-and-public-documents, regarding sample types, sample locations, measurement methods, and sampling protocols.
If the sample results of the site investigation do not confirm that a release has occurred, no further investigation is required.
Upon discovery of a release or confirmation of a suspected release, a responsible party shall perform the following initial response actions:
Section 6203.8 does not apply to any UST system exempt from the UST regulations under § 5501.3, or to any UST system subject to the corrective action requirements under § 3004(u) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, 42 USC § 6924(u), as amended.
Upon discovery of a release or confirmation of a suspected release, a responsible party shall take the following initial abatement actions:
A responsible party shall remedy hazards posed by contaminated soils that are excavated or exposed as a result of site investigation, release confirmation, abatement, or corrective action activities. If the remedy includes treatment or disposal of soil, the responsible party shall comply with all applicable provisions of District laws and regulations, including 21 DCMR Chapters 5, 7, 8, and 20.
Upon discovery of a release or confirmation of a suspected release, a responsible party shall conduct an initial site assessment that evaluates conditions within the property boundaries of the property where the UST is located, and prepare an initial site assessment report summarizing the results, which includes the following actions:
Upon discovery of a release or confirmation of a suspected release, a responsible party shall determine whether free product is present. If any phase of the site investigation determines that free product is present, the responsible party shall begin free product removal as soon as practicable in accordance with § 6204.
Within sixty (60) days after release confirmation, a responsible party shall submit to the Department, in accordance with § 5500.4, an initial site assessment report prepared pursuant to § 6203.12 for review, and if applicable, include the first status report on the removal of free product. If further assessment is needed to determine the nature and extent of contamination from the release, the responsible party shall submit a work plan for comprehensive site assessment, in accordance with § 6205, for the Department's approval. A responsible party may request a meeting with the Department to discuss the work plan.
For purposes of this section, the phrase "aboveground release" means a release to the surface of the land or to surface water, including a release from a portion of an UST system above the ground surface or a release associated with a transfer of a regulated substance to or from an UST system.
For purposes of this section, the phrase "belowground release" means any release to the subsurface of the land and to groundwater, including a release from the portion of an UST system below the ground surface or a belowground release associated with a transfer of a regulated substance to or from an UST.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 20, r. 20-6203