D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 20, r. 20-4199
The following words or phrases shall have the meaning as described (some of the definitions were codified in the Act, indicated as [Statutory], and are reprinted below for regulatory efficiency):
Act - Title I, Subtitle B of the Sustainable Solid Waste Management Amendment Act of 2014, as amended (D.C. Law 20-154; D.C. Official Code §§ 8-1041.01et seq.).
Brand - a manufacturer's name, brand designation, make or model name or number, or other nomenclature by which covered electronic equipment is offered for sale by a manufacturer. [Statutory]
Computer - an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high-speed data processing device performing a logical, arithmetic, or storage function, including a laptop computer or other portable computer, desktop computer, and includes any cable, cord, or wiring permanently affixed to or incorporated into such product, and may include a computer central processing unit; but such term shall not include an automated typewriter or typesetter, a portable hand-held calculator, server other than a small-scale server, or other similar device. Computer also means a small-scale server, portable digital music players that have memory capability and are battery-powered, or other similar devices.
Computer monitor and display devices - a separate visual display component that can be used with a computer, whether sold separately or together with a computer central processing unit, and includes a cathode ray tube, liquid crystal display, gas plasma, digital light processing or other image projection technology, or other similar device, with a display greater than six inches when measured diagonally, and its case, interior wires and circuitry, and any cable cord or wiring permanently affixed thereto or incorporated into such product.
Computer peripheral - any device that is sold primarily for external use with a computer and that provides input into or output from a computer, including: electronic keyboards; electronic mouse or other pointing device; printers; multi-function imaging equipment containing printers, which does not weigh more than one hundred (100) pounds; speakers sold with computers; computer monitors and display devices; or other similar devices; and any cable, cord, or wiring permanently affixed to or incorporated into any such product.
Covered electronic equipment -
Covered electronic equipment stewardship program - a recycling effort for covered electronic equipment established by a manufacturer, partnership, or representative organization. [Statutory]
Department - the Department of Energy and Environment or its successor agency.
Household - an individual or two (2) or more persons who reside together in a housing unit.
Laptop computer or other portable computer - a computer and display greater than six inches when measured diagonally that can be carried as one unit by an individual, including a laptop computer, tablet, e-reader, or other similar devices.
Manufacturer - a person who:
Market share - the total pounds of covered electronic equipment sold by a manufacturer to District residents and businesses in the previous year divided by the total pounds of all covered electronic equipment sold to District residents and businesses in the previous calendar year. [Statutory]
Minimum collection share - the amount, in pounds, to be met or exceeded, of covered electronic equipment, as calculated under D.C. Official Code § 8-1041.05(b)(1), that a manufacturer shall collect and recycle, or arrange to be collected and recycled or reused.
Mobile telephone - a telephone that converts sound into multiple-access packets, including, but not limited to, Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), and fourth generation long term evolution (4G LTE or VoLTE), for transmission through a cellular network, which may be marketed as a phone, cellphone, mobile phone, or smartphone. A computer, including portable computer or tablet, that is capable of making calls through Voice over IP or VoIP is not a mobile phone.
Partnership - an organization of manufacturers created to work together to meet the total minimum collection shares of its member manufacturers under D.C. Official Code § 8-1041.05(a)(2). [Statutory]
Printer - a device using laser and LED (electrographic), ink jet, dot matrix, thermal, digital sublimation, or other print technologies that is designed to be placed on a desk or other work surface. This includes a multifunction or "all-in-one" device that, in addition to printing, performs one or more other operations such as copying, scanning, or faxing. Printer does not include a floor-standing printer, a printer with an optional floor stand, a point of sale (POS) receipt printer, a household calculator with printing capabilities or a label maker, a non-stand-alone printer that is embedded into a product other than a covered electronic equipment, or a device that weighs more than 100 pounds.
Representative organization - an organization created to provide convenient collection service to District residents under D.C. Official Code § 8-1041.05(a)(3) and to develop and oversee implementation of a District plan consisting of one or more covered electronic equipment stewardship programs in the District. A representative organization may also oversee plans in other jurisdictions. [Statutory]
Retailer - a person engaged in retail sales. [Statutory]
Reuse - a process by which covered electronic equipment or a component of covered electronic equipment is used for the same purpose for which it was originally purchased. [Statutory]
Sale or sold - any transfer of the absolute title to property for a certain agreed price, from a manufacturer or retailer, including transactions conducted through retail sales outlets, catalogs, mail, the telephone, the internet, or any electronic means; this includes the transfer of title of new products or used products that may have been refurbished by the manufacturer or a manufacturer-approved party, but does not include consumer-to-consumer second-hand transfer, the transfer of used covered electronic equipment, or a lease of covered electronic equipment.
Small business - a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or other legal entity that:
Small nonprofit organization - an organization or institution that:
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 20, r. 20-4199